Canadian Trucking Alliance and Provincial Association Update on Border Blockades and Protests Friday February 11, 2022 | Border & Customs, COVID-19, News Releases, Operations & Safety As developments around blockades at border points and potential protests in various locations across the country continue to develop, the Canadian Trucking Alliance (CTA) and its provincial associations are providing a national update to members on the evolving situations across the country.
CTA Provides Transport Minister with Cross-Canada Trucking-Trade Priority Infrastructure Wish List Wednesday September 06, 2017 | Infrastructure, News Releases The Canadian Trucking Alliance has reached out to its provincial associations across Canada to gather input on building stronger, more efficient trade corridors.
CTA Offers Feds Strategy To Foster Key Election Promises Thursday January 21, 2016 | Admin & Tax, Border & Customs, Environment & Fuel, Infrastructure, Labour/HR/Driver Shortage, News Releases, Operations & Safety As a new federal government gets settled in Ottawa, CTA offered a plan to support economic growth while improving highway safety and reducing GHGs