New Report Examines Why Millennials Not Entering Trucking Industry Tuesday July 23, 2019 | Labour/HR/Driver Shortage Trucking HR Canada has launched a new report, Millennials Have Drive 2, examining the findings from research conducted through Abacus Data, which surveyed over 2000 millennials across Canada to find out why they aren’t entering the trucking and logistics industry.
EDITORIAL: Modern HR Approach Based on Sound Labour Data Friday May 17, 2019 | Business Conditions, Editorials, Industry Image & PR, Labour/HR/Driver Shortage “Modernizing your workforce starts with modernizing your HR approach.”
Researcher: Industry Must ‘Shift’ to Attract Next Gen Workers Friday April 12, 2019 | Industry Image & PR, Labour/HR/Driver Shortage Young workers have mixed feelings about the trucking industry and employers have a lot of work to do if they want to attract the next generation of workers
Splinter: Trucking HR all About Branding Friday February 15, 2019 | Labour/HR/Driver Shortage Carriers need to identify their culture, values, development opportunities if they are going to attract new workers