Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) has provided members access to the Climate Action Incentive Fund (CAIF) Supporter Toolkit, which contains information for companies who are interested in applying for federal funding for projects that reduce energy consumption and GHGs. The Toolkit includes detailed information regarding the program, access to related webinars, and information on completing the application process.
Last month, ECCC announced the opening of the Project Stream of the CAIF program which small-and-medium-sized enterprises in Ontario, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and New Brunswick – the four provinces where the federal price on pollution applies – could be eligible to receive up to 25 percent of their costs for energy saving projects.
Funding will range between $20,000 and $250,000. Program details can be found on ECCC’s website.
Eligible projects include building retrofits, improved industrial processes, cleaner transportation, retrofits, fuel switching, and other projects. Funds will be made available on a first-come, first-serve basis, with the application period being open until funding is exhausted or for a maximum of 90 days. Under the Climate Action Incentive Fund, small-and-medium-sized businesses are defined as businesses with fewer than 500 employees.
“CTA has continued to state that revenues collected through the federal carbon tax need to be reinvested back into our industry in the form of incentives for carbon reducing projects and technologies,” says Lak Shoan, Director, Policy and Industry Awareness Programs. “As one of the largest contributors to the revenues collected through the carbon tax, this program is a good start. CTA looks forward to future modifications of the program that will introduce more incentives for technologies like aerodynamics on trailers.”
Applicants can consult the applicant guide to prepare their proposal and submit it through the online application tool. Applicants will be notified of the decision after approximately 25 business days upon receipt of their application
CTA expects more information regarding future developments as it pertains to a trucking industry rebate component of this program by the end of 2019.