Trucking HR Canada (THRC) released a special labour market information report highlighting key labour market considerations for the trucking and logistics industry to drive economic recovery. It provides a THRC analysis and perspective on the ongoing challenges and opportunities within the trucking and logistics sector.
Highlights include:
- Recently released Statistics Canada data reports that more than 1 in 5 (21.8%) Canadians of working age fall within the 55 – 64 years of age cohort – the highest ever recorded. This compares to Trucking HR Canada data reporting 1 in 4 (25%) of transport truck drivers falling within the same cohort;
- Recent research and employer surveys assessing the impacts of the pandemic on our workforce highlighted a trend showing firms preferred to retain experience and tenure during challenging times – resulting in many young employees (aged 15-24) being more likely to be laid off and exiting the labour force altogether;
- Trucking HR Canada youth training and wage subsidies are making a difference -younger workers have begun to re-enter the workforce amid improving employment opportunities;
- The delivery driver occupation has experienced a disproportionately high increase in its female labour force. This reflects above-average employment growth for female drivers, which has increased by 55%, from an average of 9,400 in 2019 to 14,600 in June 2021.
“The highlighted trends in this special report clearly indicate that there is still more work to be done to recruit and retain young Canadians into our workforce.” Says Craig Faucette, Chief Program Officer, Trucking HR Canada. “The programs provided by THRC, through our Career ExpressWay, and Women with Drive continue to be integral initiatives to support the recovery, and growth of our industry – helping employers identify long-term workforce solutions.”
To download The Special Report: Driving Economic Recovery May 2022, please click here.