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Dispatches Podcast Episode 4: Family Reunited

 Heeeere’s Johnnny!

Jon braves leaving the house without perfect hair to finally join the ‘cast; while Beghetto bangs the table – err, quite literally  – for more COVID-19 trucking updates from the boys. Geoff and Lak take us for a spin across Canada economic reopening plans; while Steve gets real about relief measures and struggling carriers.

Listen, download and subscribe on itunesGoogle Play or Soundcloud.

The Dispatches podcast features CTA staff covering all the pressing national issues concerning the trucking industry and supply chain, from the uncertain fallout of COVID-19 to public & government relations; policy, rules & regs, and market conditions. Periodically, the podcast will also feature one-on-one interviews with some of the Canadian trucking industry’s business leaders and pioneers.

Podcasts are perfect for listening to while commuting or travelling; relaxing at home in the evening or listening passively in the background on your CPU while at the office.

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