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CTA: All Hands on Deck in Promoting Driver Safety

The Canadian Trucking Alliance produced a stylish multimedia toolkit to assist industry, governments as well as injury prevention stakeholders in promoting truck driver safety at workplaces and shipping facilities.

The media toolkit features ‘whiteboard’ animation videos and digital infographics in English and French, which provide facility operators helpful tips on improving safety and reducing injury risk to flatbed truck drivers in particular.

Last year, CTA took notice of a Hazard Alert issued by the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Directorate at Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) meant to provide employees and employers with information on how to prevent unsafe practices when loading and unloading flatbed vehicles. The alert noted there have been several fatal or serious injuries to truck drivers resulting from unstable freight falling from a flatbed trailer and striking the driver. These accidents occurred during operations at sites not under the control of the driver’s employer.

ESDC’s actions were a good start, but in a follow-up national survey conducted by CTA, member companies operating flatbeds expressed concerns that go beyond the issues ESDC identified. For example, inadequate lighting, improper maintenance of grounds, and the fact many sites require drivers to tarp their loads off-site – sometimes in traffic on the side public roads – are common occurrences that put many truck drivers at risk.

Through the whiteboard video and infographics, CTA illustrates ‘best’ and ‘poor’ practices at workplaces facilities and reminds site operators of their responsibilities to ensure safety on their premises.

While the media material focuses mostly on flatbed drivers, many of these types of issues are relevant in other sectors. For example, grain haulers are often forced to clean residual grain from their vehicles in unsafe environments as well.

“CTA encourages carriers to share this information with their customers to promote best practices when loading and unloading flatbed trucks,” said Stephen Laskowski, president, CTA. “For our part, the Alliance requests ESDC works with CTA to encourage shippers and receivers to create safer workplaces and to work with provincial authorities to enforce the law against those who create dangerous conditions for drivers of flatbed trucks as well as other configurations requiring drivers to work in situations covered by fall protection regulations.”

Check out the video, Keeping Flatbed Truck Drivers Safe, below: (French version here)

See the digital infographics,  below:




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