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THRC Releases Sample Accessibility Plan to Assist Federally-Regulated Employers

With the Accessible Canada Act Accessibility Plan deadline of June 1 quickly approaching, Trucking HR Canada has released a sample Accessibility Plan to help our industry’s employers. It is designed as a guide with examples to help organizations build their Accessibility Plan compliant with the Act.

Both English and French copies are available on the HR Resource Library page: https://truckinghr.com/hr-training-resources/

THRC are also working to organize a dedicated webinar with an HR expert to walk employers through the development and implementation of their plans. Updates on the timing of this webinar will follow in the coming days.

The Accessible Canada Act is a federal law that was created to find, eliminate and prevent barriers that people with disabilities face daily. Adopted in 2019, the Act’s primary goal is to create a Canada that is free of barriers by 2040. To accomplish this, the Act requires that federally regulated private employers with 100+ employees prepare and publish an initial Accessibility Plan by June 1st, 2023. The date assigned to employers with 10 – 99 employees is June 1st, 2024.

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