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National Coalition Releases Action Plan to Combat Distracted Driving

The Traffic Injury Research Foundation today released a National Action Plan created by the Canadian Coalition on Distracted Driving (CCDD). The Canadian Trucking Alliance, is a member of this coalition. The multi-sectoral group includes members from various levels of government, enforcement, academia, health, industry and communities.

The National Action Plan contains 15 action items organized according to four priority areas: education and prevention, enforcement, data and research, and technology and industry.

In developing the plan, the CCDD explored some of the topics that play a role in distracted driving, including: driver behaviour, penalties, enforcement, education campaigns, devices and in-vehicle technologies, emergency medical care, auto insurance, the transportation industry and automated vehicles.

“To help build on this research the Canadian Trucking Alliance is pleased to host TIRF at our upcoming Board meeting, where the leaders of our industry will discuss this topic in a series of roundtable focus groups to further address the issue of distracted driving in the commercial trucking industry,” said CTA’s VP Policy Geoffrey Wood.

For more details on the Coalition and for the full action plan report, click here

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