With proof of vaccination now required for all travellers through ArriveCAN, the Government of Canada is reminding the trucking industry that the submission of ArriveCAN data remains a mandatory pre-arrival requirement, but they confirm that they will continue to work with the industry and take an education-first approach until January 15, 2022 when the border vaccination mandate comes into force.
The federal government has indicated that truck drivers who have not submitted their information via ArriveCAN prior to reaching the border will have it collected at PIL. Failure to submit info via ArriveCAN may result in enforcement action.
Border and public health officials will continue to emphasize to truck drivers that they are required to submit their information through the electronic platform to avoid delays at the border and potential penalties.
The Government of Canada has also indicated that individuals must provide their vaccination status in ArriveCAN even if they are currently allowed to enter Canada as unvaccinated until January 15, 2021.
Drivers that are using a reusable receipt must download the latest version of ArriveCAN or sign into the web version after November 30 to re-submit their information and get a new receipt that can be used for future trips.
The Canadian Trucking Alliance (CTA) has continued to remind the trucking industry that ArriveCAN remains a mandatory requirement, and has worked with the Government of Canada on developing new features to make the platform more user friendly for the industry over the last several months.
ArriveCAN now includes a new “Saved Traveller Profile” feature which was developed to assist all travellers, including essential workers such as truck drivers, meet the requirement to submit their information into ArriveCan. Truck drivers can voluntarily create a traveller profile so that they are not required to enter the information every time they enter Canada.
To take advantage of these changes, the latest version of ArriveCAN must be downloaded through the AppStore or Google Play to upload your vaccination information. Submissions can also be done through the online web platform.
CTA continues to work with the Public Health Agency of Canada on updating its ArriveCAN training package for industry, and will provide an updated training video in the coming days.