The Canadian Trucking Alliance (CTA) believes whenever a commercial vehicle is required to enter a truck inspection station, is stopped by mobile enforcement where a cursory review of compliance is completed, or is given an electronic inspection (e.g. weigh station by-pass), it should be recognized as having undergone an inspection.
Accounting for such inspections gives a better indication of truck safety and the level of enforcement government allocates to commercial vehicles. Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) recently announced its intention to capture a record of such inspections by revealing the criteria for the development of a new level (Level VIII) of CVSA roadside inspection.
“The outcome for reporting the status of truck safety (e.g. out-of-service rate), as well as accurately reflecting the scope of enforcement activities (for both government and industry) is important,” said Geoff Wood, CTA VP, Operations & Safety. “We believe the Level VIII initiative is the key to resolving this longstanding issue.
“From day one, we have been encouraged by the receptiveness of CVSA Region V (on road enforcement from Canadian jurisdictions) and the Canadian Council for Motor Transport Administrators (CCMTA). Now that we have a placeholder within the CVSA inspection framework, we expect many positives to come from it,” added Wood.
At its recent annual meeting in Banff, the Alberta Motor Transportation Association (AMTA) received an announcement that the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance voted to approve a Level 8 inspection. Chief Steve Callahan of Commercial Vehicle Enforcement is looking forward to advancing the Level 8 inspection initiative in Alberta.
“Commercial vehicle enforcement in Alberta has the technology available and the support of AMTA to move forward on this issue. We are excited to be first out of the gate,” said Lorraine Card, AMTA’s president. “This innovative approach from enforcement and industry provides a made-in-Canada solution to the longstanding issue of accurately reflecting the level of safety in the trucking industry,” added Card.
CTA will be engaged with CVSA in the development of CVSA Level VIII criteria.