The Canadian Trucking Alliance (CTA), in collaboration with Trucking HR Canada, is engaging with trucking employers across the country in a coordinated effort to identify supports for the industry as it faces new challenges resulting from the impending legislation on the legalization of marijuana. This effort will also look to address the existing challenges brought forth by regulations around medical marijuana.
In advance of preparing recommendations for consideration by the CTA Board of Directors, we need engagement from key personnel – particularly HR and safety professionals. Employer participation in this survey is of the utmost importance as the results will inform the development of these tools and also provide industry with a better understanding of the current state of marijuana related workplace challenges. This survey takes approximately 10-15 minutes to complete and is intended for Canadian trucking employers only. It is strictly anonymous and confidential, and individual responses will not be published. Only aggregated results may be made public.
To complete the survey, please click here.