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CTA Officially Files Comments for ELD Mandate

The Canadian Trucking Alliance has submitted comments responding to Transport Canada’s publishing of the electronic logging device regulations in Canada Gazette Part 1.

In addition to the basics of the proposed rule which CTA supports, CTA in its submission identified 10 specific areas that require further attention from Transport Canada or where CTA has added some additional commentary. These include:

  1. Appropriate, responsible and reasonable transition timeframes for ELD regulation in Canada.
  2. The handling of rented and leased vehicles.
  3. The need for a reduction in the number of required supporting documents.
  4. Model year of tractor to which ELDs are applicable.
  5. Appropriate time for drivers/carriers to show compliance to enforcement community.
  6. Out-of-service orders for failure to have an ELD.
  7. Eliminating the presence of two odometer readings (dashboard & ELD).
  8. Timeframes for ELD functionality once truck engine is started (engine power status).
  9. The identification of carriers through a national safety code registration number (NSC#).
  10. Guidance on ELD device certification.

For the full CTA submission, click here: CTA Comments ELD regulation Submission_public

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