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CRA Hosts National Webinar for Member Carriers on the Federal Carbon Pricing System

On Tuesday November 20, 2018 CRA will be hosting a national webinar on the federal carbon pricing backstop system. While some provinces remain opposed to the federal approach, or are re-evaluating their own carbon pricing systems, the federal government has stated it will impose a system on all jurisdictions that do not have a system in place that meets federal requirements. These are known as ‘Backstop Jurisdictions’.

This means carriers operating through jurisdictions that do not have a federally approved carbon pricing system will need to register and report their fuel usage to CRA. In turn, carriers may also receive a rebate or be levied a surcharge depending on where they purchase fuel and where it is burned. This webinar will outline the ins and outs of how the rebate and surcharge will work along with how carries will need to report. It will also be an excellent opportunity to directly engage with regulators and to ask any questions you may have.

It is highly recommended that all inter-provincial carriers have staff participate in this webinar.

This event will focus exclusively on the trucking sector and is open to members of the Canadian Trucking Alliance (CTA) at no cost.

For event details, please contact your local provincial trucking association.

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