Commercial vehicle inspectors found brake-related, out-of-service issues on 11.3% of the vehicles checked across North America during the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance’s (CVSA) Brake Safety Day – improving on the 14% of inspected vehicle placed OOS last year.
During this one-day unannounced inspection and enforcement campaign across Canada, Mexico, and the United States, commercial motor vehicle inspectors conducted their usual vehicle and driver inspections. They reported brake-related data to CVSA for a one-day snapshot of the state of brake systems on commercial motor vehicles.
In Canada, only 10% of the 894 total commercial motor vehicles inspected were placed out of service for brake-related violations, while the number was 11.5% in the US and 18% in Mexico.
CVSA’s Brake Safety Day is an opportunity to gather additional data related to the health and wellness of brake systems on commercial motor vehicles. This year, CVSA focused on capturing data on brake lining/pad violations. Brake lining/pad conditions can result in violations and affect a motor carrier’s safety rating.