Message from CTA:
Are you proud of the extraordinary job truck drivers are doing during this crisis? Are you a member of the public who is grateful that your store shelves are being restocked because truck drivers continue to roll? Don’t be shy – tell them so on your social media platforms. Be sure to use the hashtags #thankatrucker #thankadriver Consider using some of the language below:
Thank you to all the women and men who drive truck and have stepped up to help us get through this crisis, protect Canadians and keep our economy moving.
Throughout history our nation’s truck drivers have been depended on to support the country in our time of need. Once again, they have answered the call.
Like the saying goes, “if you got it, a truck brought it”. Remember those words as you wait for store shelves to be restocked with food, emergency relief supplies as well as vital medical and sanitation products we need to combat the spread of this virus.
As a society we enjoy an unparalleled level of security and certainty because of the sophistication and reliability of our modern supply chain. In large part, it is the professional driver that ultimately makes it happen.
Truck driving is an essential service. Please treat these front-line workers with the upmost respect and dignity they deserve and thank a trucker for the amazing job they are doing during this critical time.
Feel free to download and use the following images on social media:
There are reassuring signs of hope springing up from this tough time Albertans are going through.
Like this group of amazing folks helping #ThankATrucker, providing free meals as they fuel up.
Thanks for showing the best of the #AlbertaCares spirit.
*bonus: features puppers!? pic.twitter.com/Zhy646Vhbl
— Jason Kenney (@jkenney) May 2, 2020
Nice to see the message from the Marina @PointEdward to the truckers, @CanBorderSOR staff, and @bluewaterbridge workers pointing toward our plaza! #EssentialWorkers pic.twitter.com/JT7gYP5Hvs
— Warren Askew (@WarrenAskew2) May 8, 2020
CTA Chair Smith and JD Smith Team delivering lunch prepared by Stella’s to the great essential service men and women of York Regional Police. pic.twitter.com/CuglPVFquF
— CTA (@CanTruck) May 7, 2020
Well said @SIBTruckInsure! Looking great ? in your #thankatrucker t-shirts! @CanTruck https://t.co/ddGfJ7xHmY
— APTA (@APTA_Trucking) May 7, 2020
Nothing but blue skies in Kamloops! If you're in the area, Cookshack Cravings Food Truck has some delicious meals for you at the Chevron Kamloops (West) Cardlock, 1885 Versatile Drive. Free meals for drivers! Enter for your chance to win an Arrow bag full of swag! #thankatrucker pic.twitter.com/gTjO22lPDN
— Arrow Transportation (@Arrow_Social) May 7, 2020
A nice story for your Friday! #ThankATrucker https://t.co/GATgxfjNjV
— BCTA (@BCTruckingAssoc) May 8, 2020
Our 1st #ThankaTrucker event at the TA Petro – hockey stick handshakes, pizza, and big rigs! pic.twitter.com/kVgYpX4OSk
— Thank a Trucker (@ThankaTruckerCo) May 5, 2020
Our Director of Safety and Compliance, Mike Frolick was interviewed about how TransPro is communicating with drivers during the COVID-19 outbreak. Supporting our drivers now and always is a priority. #thankatruckerhttps://t.co/k7mt8WwtIT
— TransPro Freight (@TransProFreight) May 7, 2020
If you bought it…a professional driver brought it. That has not changed and never will. https://t.co/JVARUlw4wm#thankadriver#thankatrucker#essentialservices#OneBison pic.twitter.com/8Al3MatLaB
— Bison Transport (@Drive4Bison) May 7, 2020
@theroadhammers , @TimHortons & @CanTruck Join Forces to Play Tribute to Truckers pic.twitter.com/rDkEITAB4G
— CTA (@CanTruck) May 6, 2020
Thank you to our amazing truck drivers!
The province is supporting you through a series of measures, such as providing more rest areas at inspection stations and lay-bys.
To see a map of all truck rest areas, visit https://t.co/RBPUoVp7L1. pic.twitter.com/efh7cHf1ZF
— Kinga Surma (@KingaSurmaMPP) April 6, 2020
#thankatrucker @OnTruck @TrucksForChange @_healthytrucker @truckingHR @TruckNewsMag @CanTruck pic.twitter.com/i4VInVcZOB
— Paul Wellard (@PaulWellard) May 5, 2020
The @CanTruck Alliance has launched “Dispatches”, a weekly podcast dedicated to the latest issues & events affecting the trucking industry.
?? #ThankATrucker https://t.co/FMGmUPl4Em #Trucking #Truckers pic.twitter.com/JT9bJLpVp2
— Premier Bulk Systems (@BulkPremier) May 4, 2020
BVD is proud to announce our #ThankaTrucker campaign. BVD & Petro-Canada have committed $75,000 to #PayitForward. Going above & beyond our driver program of Free Coffee, Showers & Fax. BVD will #Surprise drivers with free food & Drinks, Thank you for keeping the Nation running. pic.twitter.com/9JQj5WKsgR
— BVDPetroleum (@BVDPetroleum) May 4, 2020
The #ThankaTrucker team will be handing out hot meals to truck drivers for free, every Thursday at the TA in Woodstock from 12-5 pm as a way to say thank you! This is going to continue throughout May!https://t.co/omjEH6ZMNl
— @ContransTank (@ContransTank) May 6, 2020
Here’s a Special Offer for Professional Truck Drivers from Harvey’s. #ThankATrucker @CanTruck pic.twitter.com/vcAB9d5HCc
— APTA (@APTA_Trucking) April 20, 2020
A big THANK YOU to the professionals maintaining and repairing heavy-duty trucks that keep Canada’s goods moving. As a small token of our thanks, our Lubricants business is donating hand sanitizer to truck dealership customers in Ontario. #YouAreEssential ❤️ #ThankATrucker pic.twitter.com/AnkV1lEFzm
— Shell Canada (@Shell_Canada) May 6, 2020
A lot of people are pulling their weight—and then some—to ensure Western Canadians get the supplies they need. To all our Distribution Centre team members, truck drivers and everyone else helping get food to our tables—thank you! #ThankfulThursday #ThankATrucker #ThankAFarmer pic.twitter.com/iaArophtEn
— Federated Co-op Ltd. (@CoopFCL) April 23, 2020
You’re in our hearts!❤ #ThankYou #ThankATrucker #ThanksForDelivering #ThankYouHealthCareWorkers #thankyoueveryone#hope #WeAreAllInThisTogether pic.twitter.com/XBwmwEqtCd— Jennifer Mlott®️ (@JenniferMlott) April 17, 2020
Tandet erects billboard shoutout to truckers along busy trucking corridor at the end of airport runway @rtilleyTANDET #ThankATrucker pic.twitter.com/FJv3mW2nvg
— OTA (@OnTruck) May 1, 2020
My daughter sat still long enough for me to take this photo…she really wants to help! RT if truckers matter to you too! ??? #ThankATrucker @CanTruck pic.twitter.com/6EY0F2A7MJ
— Regina Ashna Singh (@Jeenie87) April 28, 2020
Take 30 seconds to watch this video. Over 95% of everything in our homes arrives on a truck. During this Covid-19 pandemic, be extra kind to a #trucker. They are working hard as always moving products across the country. #ThankATrucker pic.twitter.com/xLWynBiste
— NS Trucking Safety (@NS_SafeTrucking) April 30, 2020
Thank you @CanTruck & @TRUCKINGdotORG for helping to spread the word. Our frontline workers need all the support possible. #GetGrub is a great way to make it easier for our professional drivers to get the food they need, day or night! https://t.co/MnBgmJlIE6
— Claudia Milicevic (@claudiamilicevi) May 1, 2020
At Finance Committee yesterday, @FPAC_APFC paid tribute to our essential mill workers & some key supply chain partners – different sectors but shared responsibility to deliver for Canadians. @CanTruck @RailCanada @FCPC1 @MGraydon_FCPC @RetailCouncil @loveretail #ForestryTogether https://t.co/ZGhvw73rfH
— Derek Nighbor (@DerekNighbor) April 18, 2020
?? April “Professional Truck Driver of the Month”.
Again this month, all of our superhero drivers are the Professional Truck Driver of the Month! Thank you for being out on the roads so the rest of us can stay safe at home.
#ThankATrucker @CanTruck pic.twitter.com/2AcK2Y7xvs— APTA (@APTA_Trucking) April 30, 2020
And my darling Roo-KEY would like to #thankatrucker for transporting her delicious bird food! She squawked, “Wheels win over wings in this instance!” ??? @CanTruck pic.twitter.com/Y05VxocdMp
— Regina Ashna Singh (@Jeenie87) April 25, 2020
Looking great guys! Love the t-shirts!! #ThankATrucker @CanTruck https://t.co/9hknqFz44B
— APTA (@APTA_Trucking) April 23, 2020
Our Board chair @scuba_jude placing his order @BullyTruck. If you haven’t tried their food – check it out! We are so grateful for their efforts today #thankatrucker pic.twitter.com/dQu1cOTh95
— AMTA Chris Nash (@AmtaNash) May 1, 2020
When this Spring Creek Carriers team member couldn’t go to the beach in Florida this week…we brought the beach to him. #thankatrucker pic.twitter.com/W13H3te7BK
— Mark Bylsma (@BylsmaMark) May 1, 2020
Look what came in the mail today! For this delivery and more we can #ThankATrucker and thanks @CanTruck pic.twitter.com/JbVi1RNtaZ
— Angela Splinter (@AngSplinter) April 29, 2020
Thanks to all the highway hero’s out there working day and night #ThankATrucker pic.twitter.com/tO4YjsSKbF
— Fortigo Freight (@FortigoFreight) May 1, 2020
Dinner on the porch, then a sit by the river enjoying some visitors who, despite being ducks, are following social distancing rules very well…
All of this occurring courtesy of those who aren’t staying home – our essential service workers #ThankATrucker#ThankANurse pic.twitter.com/8LiqytBG9b
— Terry Shaw (@TerrySShaw) May 1, 2020
The Dutchilicious food truck is ready to serve you at the Chevron Cardlock, 44025 Yale Road West in Chilliwack from 7am-5pm. Free meals for all drivers.
Visit https://t.co/heYQmNgAoW for all current food truck, restroom, cardlock and more. #thankatrucker #feedatrucker pic.twitter.com/u6ukMJFTv8
— Arrow Transportation (@Arrow_Social) May 1, 2020
Read all about it! ??
Our very own, Rick English was featured in @Hal_Highlander last week as one of Haliburton County’s COVID-19 Heroes ? A title WELL deserved ? Read the feature on page 8 HERE https://t.co/tUvWIclXzx #ThankATrucker #Trucking #TruckDriver pic.twitter.com/PuBRLM8bRI
— Premier Bulk Systems (@BulkPremier) April 29, 2020
#Truckdrivers in BC! Drop by Dutchlicious at the Chevron card lock off Lickman Rd in Chilliwack, Apr 28 & 29, for a delicious Dutch treat courtesy of @LordcoParts, open 7 am to 5 pm! #ThankATrucker #feedatrucker pic.twitter.com/IbELg89sVY
— BCTA (@BCTruckingAssoc) April 29, 2020
The APTA would like to say THANK YOU ? to all the women and men who drive truck ? and have stepped up to help us get through this crisis, protect Canadians ?? and keep our economy moving. You are doing an extraordinary job!!! ?#ThankATrucker @CanTruck pic.twitter.com/GoQ0YRfJxs
— APTA (@APTA_Trucking) April 29, 2020
I can only imagine how hard it must be to be away from your families right now. Thank you @OnTruck for all the hard work and ensuring we have everything at our disposal! #2Ressentialworkers – https://t.co/m9N0YAZrPR pic.twitter.com/DsBMB1FY9v
— Izzy (@arty_izzy) April 24, 2020
When you leave the safety of your home to pick up groceries, remember, it is professional drivers that make sure the shelves are stocked. https://t.co/o7i2oI2Iu0#thankadriver#thankatrucker#essentialservices#OneBison pic.twitter.com/Y1KSdfQ0pN
— Bison Transport (@Drive4Bison) April 28, 2020
What a pleasant surprise receiving this beautiful card in the mail. Thank you Brian and Neil Bailey and Jen Sanderson ?#ThankATrucker #WeAreInThisTogether pic.twitter.com/so1ECWXtBr
— WTFC (@WTFC7) April 26, 2020
Our little friends are thankful to be safe at home with everything they need. Click here to see their beautiful artwork thanking our drivers for running the miles to bring food to their tables! #ThankATrucker #AnotherCoolMove #CanadaTogether https://t.co/MvnP0f1Lrf
— Erb Group of Companies (@ErbTransport) April 29, 2020
One thing we can all agree on right now is that truckers are American heroes. To explain to your kids how valuable truckers are, we developed this coloring page to help them “Thank a Trucker.” We’d love to see your child’s masterpiece! #coloringpages #thankatrucker #AlwaysOnIt pic.twitter.com/htldPIt4nD
— Nationwide Logistics (@NatLogLLC) April 29, 2020
Without these dedicated individuals across the country, we wouldn’t have food on our tables.
Join us and #thankatrucker today!#westlibertyfoods pic.twitter.com/g3aBGkuWEH
— West Liberty Foods (@westlibfoods) April 22, 2020
Supporting local artists while we also #ThankATrucker
Great work by @TravellingSign @CanTruck@TruckingMB #buylocal pic.twitter.com/Hc5stDNbH3
— Terry Shaw (@TerrySShaw) April 22, 2020
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❤️?????? #pepsico #thankatrucker @adrenaline_diesel @pepsicanada @fritolay #pepsicoproud
Looking great guys! Love the t-shirts!! #ThankATrucker @CanTruck https://t.co/9hknqFz44B
— APTA (@APTA_Trucking) April 23, 2020
Happy to report essential goods are still moving for Canada and US at sunny @PointEdward through @bluewaterbridge. @CanCGDetroit @CGLRGreatlakes @OnTruck @FBCL_SPFL @CanTruck #ThanksForDelivering #Trucks #EssentialWorkers #ThankABridgeWorker pic.twitter.com/9D8xpy9Mj4
— Warren Askew (@WarrenAskew2) April 20, 2020
Thank you @FirstBookCanada for all that you do to help kids enjoy the power of learning with books. And #ThankTrucks4Change carriers @BisonTransport for delivering the goods, distributing books & reading to students. https://t.co/Tvytu9RlF2
— Trucks For Change (@TrucksForChange) April 24, 2020
Kris Gunderson, a Kamloops owner-operator, is sponsoring the CookShack Cravings food truck for fellow #truckdrivers, Friday, Apr 24, to 6 pm. Please stop by the Chevron card lock at Versatile Dr in Kamloops, for a meal courtesy of Kris, with our thx! #feedatrucker #ThankATrucker pic.twitter.com/F4L9rcLlw6
— BCTA (@BCTruckingAssoc) April 24, 2020
Times like this remind us how important truck drivers are – carrying the load to make sure the rest of us have what we need. #thankatrucker pic.twitter.com/zRmqjcRPo4
— DAT Freight & Analytics (@LoadBoards) April 20, 2020
Love seeing the support for our truckers out there!#trucking #transportation #thankatrucker pic.twitter.com/mRlHZu5wWc
— Driver Solutions (@TruckingSchool) April 23, 2020
Technicians are essential. They risk their lives to make sure you receive your day-to-day needs. If it came by truck, a technician inspected, serviced and maintained it. #thankatech#essentialservices#OneBison pic.twitter.com/LKqF9W1meW
— Bison Transport (@Drive4Bison) April 22, 2020
A shout out and a thank you to Rashid for keeping our freight moving! #PolarisDrivers #ThankATrucker #KeepTrucking #CrossBorderPros pic.twitter.com/p45AiYxOR4
— Polaris Transport (@PolarisTrans) April 20, 2020
A shout out and a thank you to Rashid for keeping our freight moving! #PolarisDrivers #ThankATrucker #KeepTrucking #CrossBorderPros pic.twitter.com/p45AiYxOR4
— Polaris Transport (@PolarisTrans) April 20, 2020
A great big thanks to all in the transportation industry for keeping Canada on the move during this pandemic. #thankatrucker pic.twitter.com/EMQAa8x7Kp
— paulknill (@paulknill2) April 17, 2020
Ontario is supporting our vital trucking sector with the launch of a new online service to make it simpler and faster for carriers to renew their Commercial Vehicle Operator’s Registration certificate. https://t.co/oW5kVuGV2B pic.twitter.com/HW0JHb9CW5
— Caroline Mulroney (@C_Mulroney) April 20, 2020
Call or email if you need to know where you can access trucker friendly food near you. Getgrub@canxxus.com #Trucking #ThankATrucker
Please share @OnTruck @CanTruck @TRUCKINGdotORG @TruckNewsMag pic.twitter.com/Us4bW5FJQZ
— Ryan Tilley (@rtilleyTANDET) April 21, 2020
Hey Sam! Keep the Essential goods moving. Greatly appreciated.. #ThankATrucker @cityofstratford @OnTruck @barbariansports pic.twitter.com/pc51jWVAkV
— Steed Standard (@SteedStandard) April 18, 2020
This weeks #truckertuesday is all about Gord McDougall! He has been with us since 2006. Gord always puts 110% doing his job, he’s always willing to take calls from new drivers to help them out & is the go to guy for all things! Thank you Gord!!#ThankATrucker #TruckersAreHeroes pic.twitter.com/VCk4M1oHFr
— @ContransTank (@ContransTank) April 21, 2020
During this difficult time when the public is asked to stay home, professional drivers are asked to keep working. Please stay home, so they can safely continue to do their job. https://t.co/z8GmfTzUfh#thankadriver#thankatrucker#essentialservices#OneBison pic.twitter.com/yJsp3oeTnm
— Bison Transport (@Drive4Bison) April 21, 2020
Meet Richard Martel! He has been in the industry for 40 years, first as a Technician and now as a Bison Company Driver. He is also a proud Manitoba Metis. We asked Richard why he became a professional Driver and about his experiences on the open road. #ManitobaMetis#OneBison pic.twitter.com/silISj8pLY
— Bison Transport (@Drive4Bison) April 20, 2020
Farmers are now in the field and we are starting to move the juice.
Our drivers are doing great work delivering diesel fuel on-time. #GROWMARKLife #Manitotransit #SafetyFirst #ThankATrucker pic.twitter.com/S7rcZpatgI— Steve Kubsch (@SteveKubsch) April 20, 2020
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Drivers, this one’s for you courtesy of one our Operations Manager’s grandchildren ?? #thankatrucker
As we continue to isolate with our families and from the comfort of our homes, Truck Drivers aren’t so lucky. #TruckDrivers are continuing to put us before themselves. Please take a moment to read John’s Mulrooney’s story and then please #ThankATrucker
https://t.co/tz7r6wAiz5— MB Trucking (@TruckingMB) April 20, 2020
Hard times can create great teaching moments for children. Take this time to teach your kids the importance of the transportation industry. Check out this week’s blog to find out how you and your kids can show appreciation to the industry:https://t.co/BepzTp0GFU
— marketing@erbgroup.com (@ErbTransport) April 15, 2020
To all Essential Services workers out there, everywhere, Thank you!! We protect ours by providing them masks, gloves, hand sanitizer and wipes. #thankatrucker pic.twitter.com/WgemoAhDrs
— Kurtz Trucking (@KurtzTrucking) April 20, 2020
Happy to report essential goods are still moving for Canada and US at sunny @PointEdward through @bluewaterbridge. @CanCGDetroit @CGLRGreatlakes @OnTruck @FBCL_SPFL @CanTruck #ThanksForDelivering #Trucks #EssentialWorkers #ThankABridgeWorker pic.twitter.com/9D8xpy9Mj4
— Warren Askew (@WarrenAskew2) April 20, 2020
LIVE: POTUS Delivers Remarks Celebrating America’s Truckers https://t.co/WsKt9HAOHv
— The White House (@WhiteHouse) April 16, 2020
Thanks to restaurants and retail associations for supporting truck drivers by offering options like ordering via app, drive-through walk ups and parking. Courtesy of @Ontruck, you can find truck friendly restaurants across Ontario: https://t.co/unkTOoU2r5 pic.twitter.com/YN1N1NuAXp
— Ontario Ministry of Transportation (@ONtransport) April 16, 2020
Some more amazing photo’s of people thanking the awesome trucking community! #thankatrucker #thankadriver#Mississauga #Toronto #Courier #Couriers #Shipping #Logistics #SupplyChain #Transportation #Transport #ColdChain #TempControl #3PL #Pharma #Healthcare @OnTruck pic.twitter.com/R4RK8X5zc9
— Critical Path (@CriticalPathLtd) April 16, 2020
We’d like to thank our essential truck drivers for their service during this difficult time??
As a thank you, we’ve prepared these treat bags to pick up at the dispatch counter. Enjoy & THANK YOU! ?@APTA_Trucking @CanTruck @suzannelgray pic.twitter.com/noujr5x0fY— Seafood Express (@truckingpei) April 16, 2020
#Trucking #Truckers@CanTruck @ChallengerMTL @ChallengerMF pic.twitter.com/jG6mfG8Hnr
— Paul Beauregard ?? ?? (@PaulBeaureg1979) April 17, 2020
Well done @TolkoIndustries ! #ThankATrucker @CanTruck @twick17 Meals for??? from ????♀️?♂️???????? https://t.co/sDIWVEWgPJ #weshallovercomecorona #COVID19
— Joel (@1969_Joel) April 16, 2020
Whether we are working from home or in the office, the staff at East Coast International Trucks appreciates #Truckers and everything they do! ? #ThankATrucker #KeepOnTrucking https://t.co/UQqnKYk28o | 1-800-561-7030 @IntnlTrucks @APTA_Trucking pic.twitter.com/WfAI0fo4u3
— East Coast Int’l (@EIntl) April 16, 2020
? ? pic.twitter.com/i0KJan1l07
— American Central Transport (@HaulACT) April 10, 2020
Yesterday, we announced more portable toilets across #BC to support trucking. @BCTruckingAssoc is helping run Meals for Truck Drivers BC. Businesses are coming forward to help support truck drivers with bathrooms and food. We are all in this together. #ThankATrucker pic.twitter.com/p2A1ArR84c
— Claire Trevena (@clairetrevena) April 16, 2020
24/7-365 days, they keep our supply chain moving, deliver critical resources, they keep our grocery store shelves stocked & our economy moving! To all of our CDN Truckers…#thankyou ! #keepontrucking #ThankATrucker #thankatrucker @CanTruck @BCTruckingAssoc pic.twitter.com/mrvHhgAJ5z
— Todd Doherty (@ToddDohertyMP) April 16, 2020
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A Farmers got to Farm… Another chance encounter with this truck from delivering much needed supplies in the #annapolisvalley, during #COVID19NS
Thank you Sir! (from 10 feet away) ? @CanTruck @westernstar @MichelinCAN pic.twitter.com/Uafs4VdD8t— Mark Davidson (@bike_rails) April 16, 2020
Thank you to all transportation companies providing 24/7 support to help others! Mayflower Canada is here to help provide our customers with exceptional service during these unprecedented times. #thankatrucker pic.twitter.com/F9zowjTGLm
— Mayflower Canada (@MayflowerCanada) April 17, 2020
We’ve added a new ‘trucker mode’ to Ontario 511 so drivers can easily find all parking and washrooms on our interactive map.
Thanks to @OnTruck, we’ve also added information about truck-friendly restaurants, take out and vegetarian options, and more!https://t.co/X2Yi6Oxy2q pic.twitter.com/EquPfWDT7j
— Caroline Mulroney (@C_Mulroney) April 15, 2020
From a @kriska_ltd driver: “Was creeping through this sleepy town in Corning, Ar. The gentleman in the road, stopping truckers, handing out bags w. pro on a bun, cookies & chips. He said ‘God Bless the Truckers’ with a smile. His restaurant is Harolds’s Bar BQ.” #ThankaTrucker pic.twitter.com/cZez4wY2TN
— OTA (@OnTruck) April 15, 2020
Today, we’d like to say:
To all packaging, shipping, and delivery workers, thank you.
#GoogleDoodle → https://t.co/AuN1yNvIWi pic.twitter.com/CqcxJYXBTj
— Google Doodles (@GoogleDoodles) April 15, 2020
@ONrouteCA @TimHortons @fordnation @C_Mulroney@CanTruck @OnTruck Thank you for the Tea today and thank you for supporting #professionaltruckdrivers during this #COVID19 crisis#TruckDriver #ThankATrucker #InThisTogetherOntario#wearealloneteam#truckinglife pic.twitter.com/TzCkVc54WD
— Guy Broderick (@GuyBroderick) April 15, 2020
A ten year old from Calgary, Alberta shared this drawing with us, we couldn’t say it better ourselves! pic.twitter.com/I0ej7d2AIz
— International Trucks (@IntnlTrucks) April 15, 2020
Thankful does not begin to express how we feel about our Professional Drivers. During this uncertain time, we are showing our appreciation to our Drivers with care packages at our terminals. Big thanks to our partners @Costco and @Loblaws.#thankadriver#thankatrucker#OneBison pic.twitter.com/vsM0MLUiTv
— Bison Transport (@Drive4Bison) April 15, 2020
We truly appreciate everything that you are doing to keep the freight moving. #ThankATrucker pic.twitter.com/vkIODbioDY
— Kleysen Group Ltd (@KleysenGroup) April 15, 2020
#Truckdrivers – Smokey J’s Smoked MMMeats food truck is at the #PrinceGeorgeBC Chevron card lock on Great St for wonderful BBQ take-out. 11 am to 7 pm, if you’re there, pls share a selfie on location? While social distancing, of course! #ThankATrucker pic.twitter.com/o4A6O2IrsN
— BCTA (@BCTruckingAssoc) April 15, 2020
It’s a tough time for truckers who are on the road. While the lack of traffic might bring a smile to your face, we’ve put together some resources that could help you out if you’re in a bind. #ThankATruckerhttps://t.co/HzYhcXlgEf pic.twitter.com/J6nJj3l0GE
— TransCore Link Logistics (@loadlink) April 15, 2020
Elvis drove a truck. #ThankATrucker @ElvisRadio19 Roll On pic.twitter.com/DgVUXpBYsi
— The Forty Nineteens (@FortyNineteens) April 13, 2020
Check out this old-school shoutout to truckers from the one and only #JohnnyCash ?: https://t.co/Uq1hhdDhht#ThankATrucker
— Mack Trucks (@MackTrucks) April 9, 2020
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Thank you to all of the truckers who are working hard to get essential supplies delivered. Did you know that 80% of US communities depend on trucking to deliver their goods? #ThankATrucker pic.twitter.com/eb5CsKDmFP
— Hyundai Translead (@HyundaiTrailer) April 9, 2020
Despite the tough times during this #covid #pandemic, the #trucking industry will emerge as the #heros they always have been. Read more in this month’s @Todaystrucking article by @LeftLaneAssoc President @AceMcchttps://t.co/3T8Bgfwmoc
.#LLA #thankatrucker #driver #essential #? pic.twitter.com/y4oEVgqUel— Left Lane Associates (@LeftLaneAssoc) April 14, 2020
We’re in this together. Thank you to the Province, @clairetrevena & @TranBC for supporting professional truck drivers – and to all you professional #truckdrivers out there, things won’t hold together without you. #ThankATrucker https://t.co/E2OBh54cvy
— BCTA (@BCTruckingAssoc) April 15, 2020
We keep the world moving. If you see a professional driver on the road, please give a nod or wave to show your appreciation. https://t.co/z4yHFsdW2x (link in bio)#thankadriver#thankatrucker#essentialservices#OneBison pic.twitter.com/GUiF1uvO0d
— Bison Transport (@Drive4Bison) April 14, 2020
what a wonderful gift we received #ThankATrucker pic.twitter.com/cFsdoHzuhz
— OTA (@OnTruck) April 14, 2020
Not only do carriers enrich our lives, they can make us rich too apparently. They invest in us everyday on the road but have you ever thought of investing in them? Read more @GPUpdates @TorontoStar feat. Yet another reason to #ThankATrucker! ??@CanTruck https://t.co/tHViwzq06h
— Regina Ashna Singh (@Jeenie87) April 14, 2020
#ThankYou @TimHortons for supporting our drivers and front line workers today! The coffee and cookies were greatly appreciated. We applaud your support for the trucking industry #CrossBorderPros #TimHortonsCanada #ThankATrucker #TimHortonsMississauga pic.twitter.com/prLZPMVJZM
— Polaris Transport (@PolarisTrans) April 14, 2020
Most people know us for our trucks. But today, more than ever, we’re so much more than that. Our team is working hard to keep cupboards full and hospitals stocked. And we’re here to deliver for you: https://t.co/VBvydd5kPw #trucking #ThankATrucker #ThankATech #truckertuesday pic.twitter.com/Fq4jmau0ft
— Penske Transportation Solutions (@PenskeNews) April 14, 2020
This is a basic human right especially for people transporting all our essential goods. YOU HAVE OUR RESPECT.
Clean washrooms are available 24/7 at: Freshco
1151 South Service rd West
Oakville Between Dorval & Third Line @WomenInTrucking pic.twitter.com/QTojJ4TLC6— Mandy Rennehan (@MandyRennehan) April 13, 2020
During the #COVID19 pandemic, the #trucking industry continues to remain critical in supporting communities across the world with supplies needed to weather the storm.
Learn about and participate in the #ThankATrucker movement: https://t.co/r4UbLzzjmF via @Todaystrucking pic.twitter.com/834xoCllb0
— Wabash Canada (@wabashcanada) April 14, 2020
We produce a syndicated Trucker Radio Show https://t.co/NOYDBde8xo and we ask you to #thankatrucker today and in the future, because if you got it, a trucker brought it.
— Alex Stan Campbell (@AlexStanAdoptee) April 14, 2020
What an amazing kid! Thank you Logan for helping to support truck drivers in their time of need. #ThankaTrucker https://t.co/23z84d3ezr
— TruckingFWD (@TruckingFWD) April 9, 2020
Truck drivers were unsung heroes before this pandemic. We are finally starting to appreciate the sacrifices required to do this critical job.
I wish these folks weren’t facing undo challenges as they faithfully serve us. https://t.co/bNp4YxXlos
— Greg Mackling (@GMackWPG) April 13, 2020
Hey there Mr. #Trucker! Thanks for hauling these egg-cellent treats. This day wouldn’t be as “hoppy” without you. ~ Sincerely, The #Easter Bunny. #ThankATrucker @CanTruck pic.twitter.com/mUAnCddWMW
— Regina Ashna Singh (@Jeenie87) April 13, 2020
Thank You, #FreightHeroes! “As a society, we enjoy an unparalleled level of security and certainty because of the sophistication and reliability of our modern supply chain. In large part, it is the professional driver that ultimately makes it happen.” – @CanTruck #thankatrucker pic.twitter.com/cWJOI2D7pl
— Musket Transport Ltd (@MusketTransport) April 13, 2020
A message from our President “Thanks to all team members who deliver on the corner stone promise we’ve honed over the last 63 years”… to our team & customers #thankyou #staywell & #thankatrucker #teamrosenau #BuiltOnService #InACrisisWeDeliver https://t.co/DMtAu0tSNB
— RosenauTransport (@Rosenautrans) April 10, 2020
Glad to see #ThankATrucker is trending during #COVID19AB.
Albertans are recognizing all those who keep our food & supplies moving!
“If people remember that, if they bought it a truck brought it, then maybe this gratitude will continue.”https://t.co/hiT85LsydZ
— Jason Kenney (@jkenney) April 11, 2020
Can you imagine driving from
Thunder Bay to Manitoba & having no access to food? A pair of Sault Ste. Marie residents team up to help feed truckers on the road. How inspiring! Click to see how you can help @CanTruck @OnTruck @Saultreporter #ThankATrucker https://t.co/j0krAXRLzs— Regina Ashna Singh (@Jeenie87) April 12, 2020
My dad is a trucker. He’s 74 and he’s still out there. The company he’s driving for is moving pulp for the 3M face masks. When asked what makes him smile? When kids ask him to blow his horn. #ThankATrucker pic.twitter.com/fVpjT22yd7
— Daniella (@DaniellaVanIsle) April 7, 2020
Thank you to Shawcor for recognizing the vital work that drivers are doing and making their day a little easier. Seeing that there aren’t rest stops available. Shawcor rented portable toilets for drivers to access. #thankatrucker
(photo: Shawcor staff pre social distancing) pic.twitter.com/ezfgT3Vttk
— TransPro Freight (@TransProFreight) April 13, 2020
We’re especially grateful for our entire team at Premier Bulk Systems this Easter ?Thank-you for continuing to support the supply chain #ThankATrucker pic.twitter.com/9L5ZUX8TgZ
— Premier Bulk Systems (@BulkPremier) April 12, 2020
The #GoC recognizes the vital role of Canadians working on the front lines, such as truckers, shippers & delivery & telecommunications workers. They ensure we have access to essential goods and services during the #COVID19 crisis. #SupportWorkers #ThankATrucker pic.twitter.com/ORdUbXJ2ov
— Employment and Social Development Canada (@ESDC_GC) April 8, 2020
Our driver Cohen was on the road in West Virginia and a kind lady was handing out goodie bags to drivers at a TA truck stop. Thank you to all the good people out there helping drivers get by, we appreciate you all. #thankatrucker #truckinglife pic.twitter.com/pEEJ7bjgKT
— Wayfreight (@WayfreightTruck) April 13, 2020
The world hasn’t stopped, thanks to our truckers. Next time you fill up your tank, you can #ThankATrucker. #StrongerTogether #StayTough #KeepTheWorldMoving #ThankYou pic.twitter.com/tLeROrrSlW
— WstrnStarTrucks (@WstrnStarTrucks) April 13, 2020
If I do say so myself, I’d suggest we’re pretty good at social-distancing
Of course we can only do this because of those who aren’t staying home
Thank you to our essential service workers, including all the truck drivers working hard for everyone right now#ThankATrucker pic.twitter.com/Vsxhtyorsc
— Terry Shaw (@TerrySShaw) April 11, 2020
Truck drivers were unsung heroes before this pandemic. We are finally starting to appreciate the sacrifices required to do this critical job.
I wish these folks weren’t facing undo challenges as they faithfully serve us. https://t.co/bNp4YxXlos
— Greg Mackling (@GMackWPG) April 13, 2020
Thank you truck drivers and all other front line workers who keep our communities moving though these difficult times. #HappyEaster to you and your loved ones.#ThankATrucker #Toronto #TorontoTrucking #The6IX #YYZ #GTA pic.twitter.com/LiOOxfurBT
— Toronto Trucking Association (@TTA1975) April 13, 2020
‘One group of unsung heroes are the road warriors keeping stores stocked with groceries and supplies. If you have plenty of toilet paper and potato chips on hand as you hunker down at home, it’s because of a truck driver’: https://t.co/MmypMDMwgZ #ThankATrucker #Kenworth pic.twitter.com/CqlkC6tPLi
— Kenworth Truck Co. (@KenworthTruckCo) April 10, 2020
Yesterday, I had an opportunity to talk to @GaundaPunjabTV about our government’s response to some of the challenges around COVID-19, including ensuring respect for the hardworking men and women delivering essential goods across the province. pic.twitter.com/8yBCbucwkb
— Doug Ford (@fordnation) April 9, 2020
‘Pop-up’ meal service for truckers, first responders begins Sat April 11 4-8pm, NB Hwy 1 btwn exits 141/137 near Quispam. Donations deliver 100-150 meals/day. Visit https://t.co/12Mb5PoPuL @apta_steve @THRSC @CBCNB @ruthunscripted @Kodaline @seguincbc
https://t.co/IYLlOnkSNd— Steve APTA (@apta_steve) April 9, 2020
I was honoured to rise in the House today to #ThankaTrucker for the work they are doing around the clock to keep our economy in motion and our store shelves stocked during #COVID19AB #KEEPITMOVIN pic.twitter.com/bqn5IdYL63
— Jackie A.Homeniuk (@HomeniukJ) April 8, 2020
Life didn’t bring you lemons, a truck driver did. #ThankATrucker pic.twitter.com/lsUXaMt6II
— Susan Ewart (@SaskTruckingsED) April 2, 2020
Jordan says thank you truck drivers! #ThankATrucker @CanTruck @APTA_Trucking pic.twitter.com/l5ZrfUkaLM
— Seafood Express (@truckingpei) April 9, 2020
When the days run together to get products to the stores and medical supplies to those in need. #ThankATrucker
Thank you truckers – your courage, hard work, and bravery keeps us safe. pic.twitter.com/NRhT1I4aSr
— Volvo Trucks North America (@VolvoTrucksNA) April 9, 2020
Kindness is never wasted, it always makes a difference! Our team was recognized by #timhortons for our efforts as being #essentialservices. THANK YOU #timhortons from all of us, this kindness was appreciated and made our day! #OntarioSpirit #KindnessMatters #gratitude @CanTruck pic.twitter.com/WQeCTFBjCb
— @ContransTank (@ContransTank) April 9, 2020
Truckers are being hailed as heroes right now for delivering consumer goods and medical supplies during the coronavirus pandemic, and some believe the industry’s image may get a permanent boost.https://t.co/ruOL181pUZ
— Truckload Indexes (@TruckloadIndex) April 8, 2020
Challenging times, but you keep on truckin’. ?
You’re doing such an important job. We just want to say…#ThankYouThursday #ThankaTrucker pic.twitter.com/J027O9ekx5— BC Transportation (@TranBC) April 9, 2020
Thank you from the Little People – Our future leaders who may still be in the stage of toddlers and tantrums, but still have a voice. ????#ThankATrucker @CanTruck pic.twitter.com/o3nzWKhRTZ
— Regina Ashna Singh (@Jeenie87) April 9, 2020
My dad is a trucker. He’s 74 and he’s still out there. The company he’s driving for is moving pulp for the 3M face masks. When asked what makes him smile? When kids ask him to blow his horn. #ThankATrucker pic.twitter.com/fVpjT22yd7
— Daniella (@DaniellaVanIsle) April 7, 2020
<iframesrc=”https://www.facebook.com/plugins/post.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FSharpTransportationSystems%2Fposts%2F3705141889560997&width=500″ width=”500″ height=”770″ style=”border:none;overflow:hidden” scrolling=”no” frameborder=”0″ allowTransparency=”true” allow=”encrypted-media”>
I was catching up with my brother @PG59, and we discussed the hard work truckers are doing to keep essential goods flowing to Canadians during this difficult time. Our talk inspired him to create this great little video, extending his gratitude to them. #ThankATrucker #COVID19 ? pic.twitter.com/g5SphBewu7
— Marc Garneau (@MarcGarneau) April 8, 2020
To some of the hardest working people here in Ontario – thank you Truckers! #ThankATrucker #OntarioSpirit pic.twitter.com/QB0kUZdLAd
— Doug Ford (@fordnation) April 8, 2020
This is an incredible campaign from @WTFC7 Thank you for supporting our frontline healthcare workers.
As this truck travels across Ontario, the message is loud and clear: #StayHomeSaveLives.#FlattenTheCurve pic.twitter.com/jicVfr1gAQ
— Caroline Mulroney (@C_Mulroney) April 8, 2020
Definitely a Sharp decision to have this beautiful unit made. Great Job @SharpTransCA #thankatrucker #keeprolling #StaySafe pic.twitter.com/2fds3oNoYT
— OTA (@OnTruck) April 8, 2020
OTA would like to thank ONroute for their complimentary service for truck drivers today! “In these extraordinary times, we have extraordinary heroes. Our truck drivers are these heroes” https://t.co/gth7QAcXfe
— OTA (@OnTruck) April 8, 2020
MERCI to all the #drivers out there – #trucking #buses #delivery etc.
I see @OC_Transpo still driving around at 2 am!
THANK YOU #FrontLineHeroes!
We are grateful that you go to work for us! ♥️
Together, we will prevail. ??#covidottawa #covidcanada #ottcity @ottawaville pic.twitter.com/UgF1pmYc4u
— Twenty York Street (@20YS) April 8, 2020
Placed a call to see if transport truck drivers can be added to the list. Let’s see what happens. ????#ThankATrucker #truckersareheroestoo @CanTruck @OnTruck pic.twitter.com/LBLSRcm7qU
— Regina Ashna Singh (@Jeenie87) April 8, 2020
My Kids and I went on an adventure this weekend!! We got creative and will continue to find new places to go and show our support!! #COVID19AB #thankatrucker #abstrong #strongertogether #COVID19 #keepitrolling #truckerwife pic.twitter.com/jDOeZ1tlzo
— Kristin Picken (@austinkala) April 8, 2020
If you are a trucker, or know any in the Prince George area. this is happening today! #ThankATrucker pic.twitter.com/NvcRYrOgYa
— Energy Citizens ?? (@Energy_Citizens) April 8, 2020
Despite the tremendous strain placed on it by COVID-19 our supply chain is holding its own. “Few people outside the industry realize the role of truckers in helping the nation.” #ThankATrucker #WarehouseWarriors https://t.co/Or6judCkHk
— Yerva Hullett (@HullettYerva) April 8, 2020
Trucker in Canada gets free meal and says it was the most heartwarming experience ever https://t.co/mZg9ghrNpz@cantruck @apta_trucking #thankatrucker
— PicardJM (@JMPicard11) April 8, 2020
Thank you to all of the essential workers who are supporting ?? as we face #COVID19 #TogetherApart. #ThankATrucker for delivering supplies to keep our hospitals & homes stocked. #StrongerTogether
— Dr. Theresa Tam (@CPHO_Canada) April 6, 2020
Two Asks: 1. Look at this. 2. #ThankaTrucker pic.twitter.com/YoKDYDfYp7
— CTA (@CanTruck) April 7, 2020
Our Coffee Trucks are out visiting truck depots and truck stops across the country. A small way of saying thank you to all the truck drivers working non-stop to keep the country going. #ThankATrucker pic.twitter.com/hBnnV4Ti4f
— Tim Hortons (@TimHortons) April 4, 2020
To all the truck drivers out there, a heartfelt thank you for working 24/7 to keep essential goods flowing to our grocery and healthcare sectors. You’re at the front lines delivering critical food, pharma and healthcare related goods to our communities. #thankatrucker @Cantruck pic.twitter.com/aUdLdzs6hr
— Oceanex Inc. (@OfficialOceanex) April 6, 2020
I stood here for less than 5 mins earlier today & saw atleast 10 transport trucks go by. If you were operating any of these on the 410 @ Sandalwood between 5:30pm & 5:45pm, THANK YOU! In case you couldn’t hear me…? #thankatrucker #socialdistancing #stayhome@OnTruck @CanTruck pic.twitter.com/LWMPF95J7c
— Regina Ashna Singh (@Jeenie87) April 7, 2020
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ICYMI: Checkout Page 3 of today’s @TheHillTimes for a sincere thank you to Canada’s Transporation Sector for working so hard to get our essential products to markets and help Canadians. @CanTruck @CNRailway @CanadianPacific @RailCanada pic.twitter.com/HI1Z15PzDh
— CIAC (@ChemistryCanada) April 6, 2020
“If you bought it, a truck brought it!”
Have you ever wondered how far your goods have traveled by #truck?
From local PEI potatoes ? to medical supplies ?, be sure to #ThankATrucker for providing us with the food and supplies we need. ?? @CanTruck @APTA_Trucking pic.twitter.com/q2HIbgTLe7
— Seafood Express (@truckingpei) April 7, 2020
“All these products don’t appear by magic. We are able to live and take care of our families during this very special time because of the hard work of truckers throughout the country.” #ThankATrucker https://t.co/K0t8g1AMmW
— American Trucking (@TRUCKINGdotORG) April 4, 2020
Thank you to all of our truck drivers. ❤️❤️❤️ #ThankATrucker pic.twitter.com/GRG268Ijq2
— Canada Action (@CanadaAction) April 5, 2020
#ThankATrucker love ya dad ❤️? pic.twitter.com/z6D5WKpFON
— mar robertson (@marrobertson1) March 31, 2020
With being in transportation for over 15 years in operations. I was able to share my passion with my oldest son today #ThankATrucker @Drive4Bison pic.twitter.com/VEmFISj0Ug
— Blair Thorsteinson (@blair_thor) April 5, 2020
With thanks to @Ocean_Trailer! #thankatrucker @cantruck https://t.co/XpwwTriNQj
— BCTA (@BCTruckingAssoc) April 4, 2020
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#thankatrucker because without them, we wouldn’t have food or supplies on our shelves.❤️ #dayandross
These were the last words my Dad ever wrote & they were to me. In his honour, I am imparting some words of support to drivers out there who may be feeling down, angry, scared…everyone needs a champion. Dad was mine. And I am yours! ??@CanTruck #thankatrucker #happybirthdaydad pic.twitter.com/QHYvzshRyP
— Regina Ashna Singh (@Jeenie87) April 5, 2020
Thank you @TimHortons!#ThankATrucker #KeepItMovin https://t.co/RYo3MMb9l6
— Jason Kenney (@jkenney) April 6, 2020
Good feelings beget good behavior throughout the industry. #thankatrucker https://t.co/RF9v8Ht9R1
— Lori Homsher (@lorihomsher) April 6, 2020
Thank you to all the truckers keeping things moving! Make sure to share with us the kindness you encounter on the road. #ThankATrucker #PeterbiltPride pic.twitter.com/i4YDF5xGaf
— Peterbilt Motors Co. (@PeterbiltMotors) April 6, 2020
Meals for Truck Drivers! Kamloops launch was a success, Cookshack Cravings will be back Wed-Sat as of Apr 8. Surfside California Tacos launches at the Chevron cardlock in Kelowna, Apr 8 too. Dutchlicious is in Chilliwack, see the link #thankatrucker https://t.co/SH6cDr5Z9K pic.twitter.com/jrNkhu6N2V
— BCTA (@BCTruckingAssoc) April 6, 2020
#Admiration is just one of the many thoughts going through my head in response to the careless #dedication that these women and men have for our #economy, #wellbeing, and overall #safety!https://t.co/5FnftyYFAI#ThankATrucker #COVID19 @AMTA_ca @edmontonjournal
— Frederick W. Sarkis (@wwiivet1293) April 6, 2020
#Trucking and #logistics has been in the forefront of the media the last few weeks – our teams #servingyou appreciate the kind words & gestures. #wereinthistogether @AMTA_ca @BCTruckingAssoc @TruckingMB @sasktrucking @CanTruck #ThankATrucker #AttitudeofGratitude #teamrosenau https://t.co/MDAHOfnXR2
— RosenauTransport (@Rosenautrans) April 4, 2020
“Chickens don’t grow on Trees” Let’s thank our Truckers delivering feed to all those chicken, dairy, and beef farms in Nova Scotia…today during this #COVID19NS, and everyday. #farmers #agriculture #TruckDrivers. This shot taken in #PortWilliams,crossing the Cornwallis River. pic.twitter.com/SZL5mMi7S8
— Mark Davidson (@bike_rails) March 31, 2020
I don’t understand food retailers ,who should #ThankATrucker they can even operate ,treating hardworking people putting their lives on the line so Cdns have the essentials like this
‘There’s the bush’: Truckers face challenges finding bathrooms, meals https://t.co/h0tSIMj8ST
— Tracey ? ?? ?️?️#IamAwitness ? ally #NoH8 (@mustangmadd) April 6, 2020
#themindfultrucker #canadastrong #thankatrucker pic.twitter.com/b6YzNsCL75
— The Mindful Trucker (@MindfulTrucker) April 6, 2020
If You Bought it, A Truck Brought it.
Thank You Freight Heroes. @chetacademy @CTM_magazine @CanTruck #FreightHeroes #ThankATrucker #MyMusket #OurCommunity— Musket Transport Ltd (@MusketTransport) April 3, 2020
Thank you to all of the men and women driving trucks across North America that have stepped up to help us get through this crisis! Don’t forget to #thankatrucker today for making it possible to have grocery and medical supplies accessible to our communities! @cantruck pic.twitter.com/jQjSedS9pU
— Traffix (@Traffix1979) April 3, 2020
@kriska_ltd Mark Seymour sporting our #ThankaTrucker gear! It comes in Seymour size? pic.twitter.com/db5DiAEREO
— OTA (@OnTruck) April 3, 2020
This afternoon, I used my Member’s Statement to #ThankATrucker . Truckers work around the clock, even in the midst of a pandemic, to make sure our stores are stocked and essential products are readily available #ableg pic.twitter.com/AS7WQVTy80
— Roger Reid (@roger4LivMac) April 2, 2020
“We are giving up lots…to keep things going for everybody.” Truckers report being turned away from bathrooms and drive-thrus. @cbchh spoke with one about the challenges of driving a big rig during the COVID-19 pandemic. #CBCNN pic.twitter.com/5nkm3YlZl6
— CBC Morning Live (@CBCMorningLive) April 1, 2020
My mom works in the trucking industry and we are doing our part to show our appreciation #thankatrucker pic.twitter.com/m8YLNzbJ7g
— Sask Trucking Association (@sasktrucking) April 3, 2020
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We agree with you, Beckham. Thank you again to all truckers and front line workers! #ThankATrucker
Not all heroes wear capes, some drive trucks.
Now more than ever, frontline staff of the transportation industry are leading the charge and providing an essential service to keep the world moving.https://t.co/xixqS9Mk8A#thankadriver #thankatrucker#essentialservices#OneBison pic.twitter.com/nkWpd8lqtO— Bison Transport (@Drive4Bison) April 1, 2020
Driving a truck is a tough job at the best of times, and with COVID-19, working safely in this sector has become even more challenging. We’ve rounded up some of the top safety tips for Nova Scotia’s truckers, and thank them for their service: https://t.co/PrDwCPEHcL pic.twitter.com/6gGnMQQSqt
— Work Safe. For Life. (@WorkSafeForLife) April 3, 2020
@CanTruck Constantly trying to figure a way to help keep the front line workers safe, which in
our case are our friends, the truck drivers. pic.twitter.com/y6VG81SGWD— Jeff Dique (@heaf_eh) April 3, 2020
We love this! With every $5 donation, NEO Junior Girl Scout Troop 71268 will give cookies to the Ohio Turnpike’s busiest plazas for truckers traveling to deliver goods we need during this uncertain time. These girls will tell you more, and learn more here: https://t.co/ksqFjuunS8 pic.twitter.com/08OXNmpJgC
— clevelanddotcom (@clevelanddotcom) March 31, 2020
If your grocery store shelves are restocked, #THANKATRUCKER pic.twitter.com/mzZRhJxzeG
— Roadmaster (@RoadmasterCDL) April 3, 2020
Grateful to be apart of this #WeAreInThisTogether #COVID19 #ThankATrucker https://t.co/ZCUR44mofJ
— 7HorsesTransportLtd (@7horsestransltd) April 3, 2020
.@theminingstory both recognizes and appreciates the service of @CanTruck, @RailCanada, @ACPA_AAPC and all the individuals and organizations supporting our logistics supply chain. Keep on trucking, rail-roading, and shipping. https://t.co/DjvCI9Ift9
— Brendan Marshall (@MrBMarshall) April 3, 2020
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WE ARE SO LUCKY ? #thankatrucker #essentialworkers #keepontruckin #fanmailproject #repost
To all Canadians: think for a moment about just how incredible our truck drivers are. Yes they are the ones who make it possible for your grocery and pharmacy shelves to be stocked. They deserve our praise.
— Marc Garneau (@MarcGarneau) April 1, 2020
I want to thank our truckers for working around the clock to keep shelves stocked with food & goods and hospitals supplied with essential medical equipment.
Let’s return the favour Alberta – thank a trucker, and if you have a restaurant – make sure they’re fed, fueled & rested. pic.twitter.com/3ZgOQm7dKi
— Jason Kenney (@jkenney) April 2, 2020
We’re committed to serving our truck drivers, and have been moving quickly to make our restaurants more accessible for them during this crisis. Thank you to those driving transport trucks and oversized essential service vehicles, for keeping our country going. pic.twitter.com/080RQFp8BB
— Tim Hortons (@TimHortons) April 2, 2020
Our government is committed to doing our part to support the trucking industry – and we need Ontarians to step up & do theirs. We’re all in this together.
We are calling on businesses to support truck drivers when they are stopping to rest, get gas or use washroom facilities. pic.twitter.com/HUlPmq0N8J
— Caroline Mulroney (@C_Mulroney) April 2, 2020
#ThankATrucker @CanTruck Thank you to the women and men delivering our most essential supplies! Hear from STA Executive Director Susan Ewart who is extremely proud of all the drivers in our great province! #saskstrong #wearetrucking pic.twitter.com/ngonA7Xydk
— Sask Trucking Association (@sasktrucking) April 2, 2020
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Thank A Trucker preparations are well underway. #thankatrucker #thankadriver
Meals for Truck Drivers. Thanks to @BCTruckingAssoc and a group of B.C. business owners, we are working to launch a solution to get truck drivers food efficiently. Watch for food trucks to be set up at @Chevron cardlocks this coming weekend in Kamloops, Chilliwack and Abbotsford pic.twitter.com/oCUFnoJRzJ
— Munden Ventures Ltd. (@Mundentrucking) March 30, 2020
“The whole country is cheering on America’s truckers and motor carrier drivers as they work tirelessly to keep our country’s supply chains strong and our economy moving.” – U.S. Secretary of Transportation Elaine L. Chao. #ThankATruckerhttps://t.co/H6xw2E7rcK
— FMCSA (@FMCSA) March 27, 2020
#thankfulthursday This Thursday and every Thursday we are thankful for the men and women working around the clock to keep us stocked with the supplies that we need. Drivers, thank you for all that you continue to do during this time of need! #thankatrucker pic.twitter.com/kjTvA6s1Pv
— Haulynx (@haulynx) April 2, 2020
While many of us are working from home, there are others who aren’t able to do that – like the truck drivers who are working day and night to make sure our shelves are stocked. So when you can, please #ThankATrucker for everything they’re doing and help them however you can.
— Justin Trudeau (@JustinTrudeau) April 1, 2020
I want to say a big thank you to the people transporting essential items across Ontario. We’re asking everyone to treat these hardworking men and women well when they take breaks at rest stops. Let’s work together. pic.twitter.com/xvtr0kZYuk
— Doug Ford (@fordnation) March 31, 2020
“As Canadians grapple with the impacts of the COVID-19 virus, there are unsung heroes that have helped keep supply chains open and flowing. Canada’s long-distance truckers have been on the front lines, putting their own lives at risk..” #ThankATrucker https://t.co/ZUh3Vto8wI pic.twitter.com/GfqeYnWs38
— Carolynne Jansen (@CarolynneJansen) April 1, 2020
Next opportunity you get, don’t forget to #ThankATrucker. These guys and gals are risking their health, busting their asses for all of us. Thank you!
— Sean Gunn (@seangunn) March 29, 2020
We would like to take this moment to #ThankATrucker for working long days and nights to keep food in our supermarkets, grocery stores and convenience stores. We would be lost without your dedication. #Coronavirusontario #COVID19TO #COVID19 #covid19Canada #streetphotgraphy pic.twitter.com/nTWQUhf1ok
— A Great Capture (@AGreatCapture) April 1, 2020
We can’t say this enough: Thank you to all truckers out there for going on with their work, day in and day out, during this difficult and confusing time. We see you and we appreciate everything you’re doing. ?
Don’t forget to #ThankATrucker. @cantruck pic.twitter.com/AOGIQSyfJ5
— Summa Strategies (@SummaStrategies) April 1, 2020
My brother has been cartooning each day. I really like this one! #Coronavirusontario #StayHome #Thankoursupporters pic.twitter.com/vPTZQYZzXi
— Harriedwife???? (@harriedwife) April 1, 2020
I love this tribute, @home_hardware. I spent much of my life around this fleet and their amazing drivers.
Truck drivers are some of our unsung heroes. Thanks for getting our goods to us. pic.twitter.com/GYyfJAEaPy
— Monte McNaughton (@MonteMcNaughton) April 1, 2020
A message from Mark Seymour, CEO regarding Covid-19https://t.co/JMzppdHOdf pic.twitter.com/UVGkI36Xbu
— TransPro Freight (@TransProFreight) March 20, 2020
Thank you to Best Western Plus in Dartmouth and Holiday Inn Express and Suites in Halifax for helping our drivers. Very classy move. #thankatrucker @APTA_Trucking @CanTruck @jsaulnier17 https://t.co/0vAy8fMHgN pic.twitter.com/lJU2SVmIJn
— JM (@JMPicard11) April 1, 2020
April is a very sentimental month for me & with ON in a state of emergency for atleast another 2 weeks, I’m choosing to focus on optism. So, I’m challenging myself to #thankatrucker every day for the next 14 days. Post a mssg in support of our drivers today! ??@CanTruck #COVID19 pic.twitter.com/z3bGKTZYTT
— Regina Ashna Singh (@Jeenie87) April 1, 2020
#Truckers: Built tough for whatever comes their way! #ThankATrucker pic.twitter.com/kJdQ4nGU8g
— Omnitracs (@OmnitracsHQ) April 1, 2020
We’re joining in on the call to #thankatrucker, now more than ever. We are extraordinarily proud of the dedication professional drivers are showing during this crisis.
Join us and @CanTruck at https://t.co/5QyYSZxrrB to learn more on how to #thankatrucker! pic.twitter.com/lbxggCqUvC
— Caron Transport (@CaronTransport) April 1, 2020
Throughout history our nation’s truck drivers have been depended on to support the country in our time of need. Once again, they have answered the call. Also thank you to @Cantruck for sharing all the positive vibes, and current information!#ThankATrucker and #ThankADriver pic.twitter.com/9jKgIPkLr8
— @ContransTank (@ContransTank) April 1, 2020
#ThankATrucker Need to do everything we can to help keep #SupplyChain moving to keep ???? #COVID19 #cdnpoli 90 per cent of consumer goods move by?along with essential products like ??& other products from sustainably managed ???to keep essential workers working ?♀️?♂️???????? https://t.co/LXkIp5bqDQ
— Joel (@1969_Joel) March 30, 2020
THANK YOU to the truck drivers, delivery drivers, logistics & warehouse managers, and all related essential personnel keeping our shelves stocked, our hospitals supplied, and our nation STRONG. Stay safe out there! #ThankATrucker #COVID19 pic.twitter.com/KGIG1iESRZ
— Catalyst Outdoor (@CatalystOutdoor) April 1, 2020
A heartfelt letter thanking truck drivers, written by a third-grade boy in Arlington, Texas, caught the attention of not only drivers but a network TV news program.https://t.co/dJAYIyap9Q #ThankATrucker pic.twitter.com/TL74H6PoA2
— Rear View Safety (@rearviewsafety) April 1, 2020
#THANKATRUCKER https://t.co/Ro8tU0ol1H via @CanTruck pic.twitter.com/qOufHrNMBY
— Fleet Safety Council (@FleetSafetyConf) April 1, 2020
Daily THANK YOU – THANK YOU – THANK YOU…to all those on the front lines of this fight!
And all my essential workers going to work everyday to keep the rest of us going – special shoutout to the truckers today!! *Horns for all you* pic.twitter.com/Akex3IlDD2
— Tim Micallef (@tim_micallef) March 31, 2020
To everyone who is a part of our important delivery chain, THANK YOU! Truck drivers, delivery personnel, warehouse staff and more. We would not have access to essential items without you. A BIG thank you to these great people! pic.twitter.com/MEfKBt8jd5
— Doug Ford (@fordnation) March 31, 2020
#ThankATrucker they are the reason we have food and supplies right now. #trucking @APTA_Trucking @CanTruck pic.twitter.com/M7fp0FVoFZ
— JM (@JMPicard11) March 31, 2020
Truck drivers are keeping us all feed. Their safety and comfort should be a priority. Thanks covering this @petermansbridge cc: @AngSplinter @CanTruck https://t.co/Ctwa6zdkrY
— David Coletto (@Colettod) March 31, 2020
#ThankATrucker @OntarioTrucker @OntarioTrucker @TrucksForChange @TrucksForChange @CanTruck @TruckNewsMag @JustinTrudeau #ThankYou #COVID19Ontario pic.twitter.com/3QuLPv9gyk
— Paul Wellard (@PaulWellard) March 31, 2020
Thank you to all our truckers! We appreciate everything your doing
— York Regional Police Association (@YRPAca) March 31, 2020
Thank you to all of our truck drivers out there working hard for each of us in our communities, we all have a part to play in getting through these challenging times!!#ThankATrucker @OnTruck @CanTruck https://t.co/Q6AeWd5VTy
— OPCVC ?? (@OPCVC) March 30, 2020
Ontario is committed to supporting the trucking industry so that Ontarians can continue to access essential supplies such as groceries, medicine, fuel and other products during the COVID-19 outbreak. pic.twitter.com/KmLGfYa2ya
— Caroline Mulroney (@C_Mulroney) March 30, 2020
During this difficult time, truck drivers are out on the roads delivering medical supplies and to restock stores. On behalf of the Min. of Transportation @C_Mulroney Mulroney & Min. @KingaSurmaMPP —THANK YOU to truck drivers and to all the front line workers. #ThankATrucker ? pic.twitter.com/CAYvG3dd4j
— Vijay Thanigasalam (@VijayThaniMPP) March 29, 2020
Dear Driver: Thank you for that coffee in my cup; that laptop I use to WFH; that sanitizer I bought months ago; that picture frame to commemorate my Dad; that child with clothes on her back. Thank YOU for trucking through trying times for my well-being ?? #ThankATrucker @CanTruck pic.twitter.com/5LzBAfue9l
— Regina Ashna Singh (@Jeenie87) March 28, 2020
Not all heroes wear capes. Some of them just drive trucks ?? s/o to them for keeping supplies flowing into the stores
— Magathe Dwa (@magathejr) March 30, 2020
Thank A Trucker free stickers available now at Peterbilt Atlantic Fredericton! Let us know if you’d like some in your neck of the woods! #thankatrucker @CanTruck pic.twitter.com/lsZtpeZVgS
— Peterbilt Atlantic (@PeterbiltAtl) March 25, 2020
As a mom of a 21 year old truck driver living and driving 4 provinces away, thank you for doing this!
— C Cadieux Johnson (@carolineakaCJ) March 29, 2020
“I just want to say to all truck drivers thanks for all you are doing with great sacrifice in this time of need. With out you everything would grind to a halt and I wish people would realize this. On behalf of my family Thank you and all be safe.”
The Shaw offspring showed their support yesterday
Thanks from our family to all those on the frontlines
Your efforts are noticed and they are appreciated #ThankATrucker
@CanTruck @TruckingMB pic.twitter.com/JLZqhSWupF— Terry Shaw (@TerrySShaw) March 26, 2020
A huge thank you to @CanTruck and the truckers all across North America that are keeping our food and household products moving! #THANKATRUCKDRIVER #FarmFactoryStoreToDoor #covid19Canada #COVID19US pic.twitter.com/KOWmcgn38A
— FCPC (@FCPC1) March 26, 2020
#ThankATrucker: Thank you to all truck drivers during #COVID19. We see you and appreciate you.
A special thank you to our company driver, John, for his hard work and dedication! John is positive, works hard, and always gets the job done.
Thank a trucker today! ???? pic.twitter.com/8TNuH4uFE7
— Powerline Logistics (@PowerlineLog) March 26, 2020
#THANKATRUCKER at its best!! ??
Thank you Crystal of Glenholme Loop Petro Pass Restaurant for providing professional drivers with free hot meals, a washroom and shower. We are so grateful for you stepping up in this time of need!!! https://t.co/fipfJa195B @CanTruck— APTA_Trucking (@APTA_Trucking) March 27, 2020
Calling all truck drivers who depart or deliver in the Durham Region! Bring your mug too because your coffee is courtesy of Bryson Insurance.
Thank you for all you do to keep us safe!
Please share with a truck driver you know#ThankaTruckDriver #ThankaTrucker @OnTruck @CanTruck pic.twitter.com/GhKDoxlJZQ— Bryson Insurance (@TheBrysonBlue) March 27, 2020
Tonight, I’d like to say a big thank you to all of the truck drivers who are crossing back & forth across Canada & the US to ensure that the rest of us have food & supplies. They must be sincerely worried about their own health but they keep doing their jobs & I’m grateful. ??
— Catherine Clark (@catherinejclark) March 26, 2020
Driving hope for families, businesses and the world at large…For this and more we thank you! ???? #ThankATrucker pic.twitter.com/D7xISznJTy
— TransCore Link Logistics ???? (@loadlink) March 26, 2020
“I have had 100-plus thank-yous on my social media daily. I have had people being more courteous on the highways, giving the thumbs up and a wave when they pass me.” #ThankATrucker @CanTruck https://t.co/3n0KGiYjlY
— APTA_Trucking (@APTA_Trucking) March 25, 2020
Our @ChemistryCanada members completely agree. They would be unable to provide their essential services during this crisis without @CanTruck era @CNRailway & @CanadianPacific and their dedicated workers. TY everyone. https://t.co/1yRU7Kzniy
— Bob Masterson (@CIACPrez) March 25, 2020
We’re joining in on the call to #ThankATrucker, with this short video. In these days of #Covid19 — and every other day — we know that #TruckDrivers keep Canada on the move. https://t.co/2ZmAwT5aJL @CanTruck pic.twitter.com/FaAkWQHVvw
— Today’s Trucking (@Todaystrucking) March 25, 2020
A driver in York PA was waiting for his delivery parked at 83 diner which is closed. This white Jeep pulled up, they walk up to his truck & handed a bag of snacks to say thank you for staying out here to help our country. let’s blow up Twitter with this pic & tell them thank you! pic.twitter.com/JGJ9zlZDKI
— Trucking News, Info & Humor (@everydaytrucker) March 26, 2020
It may have been a while since I said it…but don’t ever think for a second that I will forget it!
I❤️Trucking!!! Thank you to this entire industry for keeping the freight moving ?? #ILoveTrucking pic.twitter.com/kaLEGb3x5h— Laura La Palme (@LauraLapalme) March 25, 2020
“I want to say thank you to the truck drivers who hit the road every day to make sure that the goods continue to move. And, of course, a big thank you to the front-line health care workers.”
- Mitzie Hunter, Liberal, ON MPP
“I just want to start off by thanking our front-line workers who have been at the forefront of this fight against COVID-19 here in the province. That includes … truck drivers who are working overnight to ensure that the supply chain isn’t interrupted. These are all our everyday heroes, and we should all applaud them, as I know so many of us have. Applause.”
- Sara Singh, NDP ON MPP
Jake Allen, goaltender for the @StLouisBlues @NHL, sent us a #ThankATrucker video to recognize Professional Truck Drivers! @APTA_Trucking @CanTruck pic.twitter.com/DJ4jIFvGJo
— Seafood Express (@truckingpei) March 24, 2020
A message from our chairman:
For today’s Trucker Tuesday, we’re sending a massive thank you to every single man and woman out there that is keeping our economy moving. You truly are heroes, and we appreciate every single one of you.
Please remember, now more than ever, to #ThankATrucker. pic.twitter.com/JdbuBERXIR
— Contrans Tank Group LP (@ContransTank) March 24, 2020
As a truckers wife, being at home while my trucker is out on the road during this pandemic, is scary and worrisome. I just want to thank all those that are doing what they can to help our truckers by providing information as to where they can find food, showers, washrooms, etc. A BIG thank you to the truckers themselves who are keeping our country rolling. It is a huge sacrifice they are making. Staying on the road longer so they don’t maybe infect their loved ones at home. Hopefully people will remember what our truckers did after this is all over and show a bit more respect to these drivers. Our family want to say ……Thank you drivers, stay safe and God Bless.
Love from a truckers wife
- Cynthia Martin
You are big and mighty and sometimes I am a little nervous when I am driving next to you … yet thank you, dear trucker.
Let it never for a minute be said that my family and I do not truly appreciate what you are doing for our province and the entire country as we undergo this difficult time during the crisis of COVID-19. Whatever supplies you are hauling; food, medicine, fuel, wine ? and every other essential, we are grateful to all of you for your dedicated efforts. Bless you, please take time to rest, stay healthy and safe because you too are a very valuable part of the life line for this country. Bless you and your families as they too are giving up time together to help the nation.
Many, many thanks from the Messenger Family
-Carolyn Messenger
To all truckers,
My son is in supply chain management I know how hard you are all working to keep Canadians supplied with essentials. Please stay safe and THANK YOU!
- Debbie Reeves
Thank you for all the hardworking truckers who provide an essential service to Canadians. We tend to forget all the seamless effort to providing food and essentials we all take for granted. All our gratitude and hope for your safety.
- The Barkers
Thank you wholeheartedly for your bravery. God be with you. I pray for your safety.
- Diana Melting Tallow
To all truckers throughout Canada and the U.S.
Without you we could not survive and that do not take that for granted. You are truly the front line keeping us alive along with the medical and first responders. We realize the hardship and sacrifice you make each and every day that you have to load up and deliver gods across the country.
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts. You must miss your families. Your human kindness must not go unrewarded as you are the shining example of unselfishness and compassion.
Thank you.
- Paul and Karen Moreau
A shout out to all! Thank you, and stay safe.
- B Foubert
I just want to thank all the truckers out there. You risk your lives daily on our highways for us and without you our Country would grind to a halt. But particularly right now. You are brave, giving and you are my hero’s, make no mistake. And I for one will never forget what you have done, and are doing so that we can live in these troubled times.
- Mike Schmid
Wal Mart says Thanks!
“We want to extend our biggest thank you for the extraordinary work you as a truck driver are doing to keep our society rolling in these challenging times. We acknowledge the commitment and effort you put into getting the IKEA goods to the right destination, under demanding circumstances due the situation with the coronavirus.
We understand that being away from your family and friends is even harder in this moment. We understand that changes in routes and unloading destinations in the very last minute add to your already demanding work.
Please stay safe and protect yourself. Remember to follow instructions from governments and local authorities, in alignment with World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines.
We value the fantastic work you, as a truck driver, are doing in this extremely challenging situation. You are in the frontline for the benefit of all of us, delivering hospital supplies, food and goods around the clock.
-Susanne Waidzunas, Global Transport & Logistics Services Manage, Ikea
This event reminds us of the vital role your industry plays with our organization and in society in general.
I want to take a few moments to thank you for the exceptional work your employees and yourself are doing in these difficult times. While a large number of people remain at home, your employees continue to hit the road every day to assure our customers and citizens that products essential to everyday life continue to be delivered to meet their needs. I salute their commitment.
I encourage them to be cautious and implement the recommended hygiene and preventive measures. We have their health at heart.
These days, many people are recognizing the courage of health care personnel. And I am one of them. But I would also like to point out that other citizens and professionals are playing a role that is perhaps less visible, but just as essential in the current crisis, and you are one of them.
-Mario Plourde, President and Chief Executive Officer, Cascades
“As usual, Procter Gamble is a perfect example of a preferred customer. They are always friendly and efficient at every location I visit, and the current situation has not seemed to affect this. Both times at PROINW, I needed to step away from the counter so that they could sanitize the area, and staff were also seen regularly cleaning their side of the desk and their hands. It is very reassuring to see this effort in these uncertain times. Please extend my thanks.
My personal pro tip: I am doing my best to keep the inside of my truck as safe as possible, by making sure that I have a “clean” hand … Even my outer door handle is only touched with the clean hand. The “dirty” hand is the one that handles the paperwork, door handles, etc., and as we don’t know how long the virus remains on different surfaces, it must surely be hours, so all PPW goes immediately into a fresh garbage bag where it cannot contaminate anything else in the truck. After delivery, the PPW goes into an envelope, and the bag is disposed of.
Staying safe, staying sane.. keeping the rubber side down, and saving the world.
- Kriska driver, Ryan, on positive experience delivering to Procter & Gamble
“Hey, As you know, it is a new world out there. Just want you to know that I’m thinking of you, your family and all of your workers who continue to deliver products to keep the economy going. The drivers are working in more difficult times and their efforts are appreciated. Good health to all of your team.”
— newspaper editor to OTA member
“A massive thank you goes out to our truckers for helping all Canadians get food and medicine in particular during Covid19. I should have thanked you long before now for all you do every day. Wash those hands and steering wheels don’t touch your face wear gloves and come home safe from the road. We need you long after the pandemic ends.”
— A. Reid
“Message: Hello I’ve been seeing posts on FB about truckers being unable to get meals while on the road because only drive-throughs are open. We want to help. Is there any way for the public to help?”
— @mer47
If you have a thank you message to truck drivers for their invaluable service during these difficult times, send them to erica.giansante@ontruck.org