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USCBP Abandons Requirement for Manifest and Entry for Residue

For nearly 10 years the Canadian Trucking Alliance has been advocating on behalf of carriers for USCBP to reconsider their intent to require a manifest and entry for residue.

As reported by National Tank Truck Carriers, it appears that the work of NTTC, CTA and ATA has paid off and CBP has finally abandoned the idea of requiring all empty tanker trucks, ISO 20-foot tanks, rail tanks and large bulk carriers to provide a manifest and file a customs entry for all cargo residues entering the United States. Prior to this proposal, cargo residue exempted from manifest and entry requirements.

Earlier this week, a legislative ban on imposing duties on residue reimported into the U.S. in tank vehicles was announced.  According to NTTC “Upon the President’s expected signature, this ban will officially end the residue saga that would have caused severe disruption to cross-border operations.”

After many starts, stops and postponements, the impact to carriers is that rather than continuing to kick the controversial rule down the road indefinitely, US authorities have finally agreed not to finalize the rule at all.

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