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Trucking HR Canada Launches New Webinar Series

Trucking HR Canada’s new professional development webinar series is specifically designed for HR personnel, and anyone in the trucking and logistics sector looking to learn practical insights and tips to help address key HR Challenges.

The first webinar in the series is scheduled for April 26 at 12:00 p.m. ET, on the topic of Youth in Trucking.

Millennials, those aged 18 to 35, are now the largest cohort in the Canadian workforce, yet are still largely under-represented in the trucking industry. In fact, between 2006 and 2011 the share of drivers aged 25-34 dropped from 18% to below 15%.

The webinar will include some of the findings from recent industry surveys on the topic as well as practical insights that can help you better engage young people in your workplace.

“It is critical that trucking employers have a plan in place for the recruitment and retention of young people,” says Angela Splinter, CEO of Trucking HR Canada. “We are working to provide practical and relevant tips and insights for trucking employers.”

Register today! Visit TruckingHR.com to learn more, and to register.

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