CTA Applauds Western Provinces’ Movement on Mandatory Entry Level Training Friday April 27, 2018 | Labour/HR/Driver Shortage, News Releases, Operations & Safety CTA would like to commend the provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba for their recent acknowledgement of the importance of introducing mandatory entry level training for our sector
Western Transport Sectors Face Worker Shortage Crisis Tuesday July 12, 2016 | Business Conditions, Labour/HR/Driver Shortage More than 177,375 jobs will need to be filled in four transportation sectors across the four Western Canadian provinces, according to findings released today from the Asia Pacific Gateway Corridor Labour Market Information Project
CTA Urges Western Ministers to Make Wide Base Single Tires Happen Wednesday March 23, 2016 | Environment & Fuel, Infrastructure, Operations & Safety, Technology & Equipment CTA reached out to federal and provincial officials in Transportation and Environment, urging them to work together to modernize size and weight rules