Uber Suspends Self-Driving Tests After Pedestrian Killed Wednesday March 21, 2018 | Technology & Equipment Uber has shelved its self-driving vehicle program, including a pilot in Toronto, after one of its test vehicles struck and killed a pedestrian in Tempe, Ariz
Uber’s Self-Driving Trucks Now Hauling Freight Tuesday March 06, 2018 | Technology & Equipment Uber Technologies announced that its autonomous commercial trucks are now conducting regular freight hauls in Arizona through the Uber Freight network.
Uber: AVs Will Eliminate Driver Shortage, Not the Truck Driver Tuesday February 06, 2018 | Business Conditions, Labour/HR/Driver Shortage, Technology & Equipment Fleets with autonomous long-haul trucks and traditional human-driven regional routes could help the trucking industry address the problem of an aging driver workforce, said Uber
Uber Unveils Latest Autonomous Truck Design Tuesday July 11, 2017 | Technology & Equipment Uber’s Advanced Technologies Group has released a video of its latest autonomous heavy-duty truck design, shown operating on the streets of San Francisco.