ELDs Enlightening Shippers to Capacity Constraints Thursday February 21, 2019 | Business Conditions, Technology & Equipment Smooth-lined delivery schedules and the ability to fine-tune truck maintenance are lesser-known ELD benefits being utilized by fleets.
Survey: Fleets Not Upping Speed to Replace ELD Productivity Losses Wednesday December 19, 2018 | Operations & Safety Having already helped slash HOS violations, e-logs have also been a valuable tool in providing data that reveals “efficiencies in many operational areas that weren’t possible before
ATRI Launches Online Survey on Driver Detention Impacts Friday September 07, 2018 | Business Conditions, Labour/HR/Driver Shortage ATRIreleased an online data collection initiative to solicit commercial driver perspectives on how they are affected by customer detention.
Flatbed Capacity Most Affected by ELDs Friday May 25, 2018 | Business Conditions, Operations & Safety As the trucking industry continues to broadly install and learn to use the ELDs there are beginning to be some disparities in the way the devices are impacting capacity via mode