CTA Calls for More Accountability from Physicians Prescribing Truckers Medical Pot Monday December 04, 2017 | Labour/HR/Driver Shortage, Operations & Safety CTA told Health Canada the government should not make exceptions for commercial truck drivers using medicinal marijuana and suggested there should be more oversight on the medical community
Michigan State Police Begin Roadside Drug Testing Pilot Friday November 17, 2017 | Operations & Safety Michigan State Police has begun a roadside drug testing pilot program in five counties, according to HDT.
OTA: Carriers Need Gov’t Support for Mandatory Drug Testing Policies Friday October 20, 2017 | Labour/HR/Driver Shortage, Operations & Safety While arguing for nation-wide zero tolerance enforcement as Canada prepares to legalize marijuana, OTA president Stephen Laskowski also urged governments to mandate drug testing programs for commercial drivers.
Report: Collisions Increasing in Legal Pot States Wednesday June 28, 2017 | Operations & Safety After legalizing recreational use of marijuana, the states of Colorado, Oregon and Washington saw collision claim frequencies rise about 3% higher overall compared to neighbouring states