CTA Pre-Budget Spotlight – Environmental Asks Focus on Practical Methods to Aid Decarbonization Efforts Thursday February 29, 2024 | Environment & Fuel, News Releases The Canadian Trucking Alliance (CTA) highlighted several asks through its pre-budget submission that would provide practical and achievable ways to reduce emissions from the trucking sector, including through changes to federal government policies and continued funding for important incentive programs that will provide meaningful ways to assist fleets looking at ways to reduce their reliance on diesel fuel.
CTA Calls on Government to Introduce Policy Equity to Carbon Pricing Wednesday November 01, 2023 | Admin & Tax, Environment & Fuel, News Releases The Government of Canada made a change last week to the carbon pricing system by providing a three-year carbon tax exemption for home heating oil on a regional basis and providing higher carbon tax rebates for people in rural areas.
CRA Presentation: Reporting Requirements for Carbon Tax Friday June 28, 2019 | Admin & Tax On June 19, 2019the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) held a national webinar the federal carbon tax for the Canadian Trucking Alliance (CTA) and the Provincial Associations within the CTA federation
CRA Hosting National Carbon Tax Webinar for CTA With a Focus on Reporting Requirements Tuesday June 04, 2019 | Admin & Tax, Environment & Fuel CRA will be hosting another national webinar on the federal carbon pricing system for the Canadian Trucking Alliance (CTA) on June 19, 2019.