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Renewal of FAST Cards and Trusted Trader Status

Over the last week, CTA has been working with CBSA and CBP on a number of items, including the possible extension of FAST cards during the virus outbreak. CBSA has announced that all FAST interviews scheduled between March 19 and May 1, 2020, are postponed, and that carriers/drivers can log into your Trusted Traveller Program (TTP) System online account to reschedule your appointment. Interviews scheduled after May 1, 2020, may also be postponed, and the situation will be continually assessed.

CBSA has also clarified that FAST members who have submitted an application for membership renewal prior to the expiry date on their card will maintain their membership and remain in active status for 18 months beyond the expiry date and will be allowed to access FAST designated lanes.

A link to the updated notice on CBSA’s website is here: https://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/prog/fast-expres/menu-eng.html

In addition, CBSA has confirmed to CTA that trusted traders who are members in Customs Self-Assessment (CSA) and Partners in Protection (PIP) who are up for re-validation will maintain their trusted status as long as they continue to be compliant with program requirements.

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