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REMINDER: Transport Canada Seeking Input on Client Identification Database Proposal

The proposed amendment includes important elements that would update the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations (TDGR) to:

  • Require that persons who import, offer for transport, handle or transport dangerous goods be registered in a new registration database when applicable; and
  • Require that all registered persons provide administrative information and information concerning the dangerous goods and operations being conducted at their respective transportation of dangerous goods (TDG) Site.

The amendment entitled “Regulations Amending the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations (Registration database)” was published in the Canada Gazette, Part 1 (CGI) on June 25, 2022 for a 70-day comment period.

The amendment is accessible through the following URL: https://gazette.gc.ca/rp-pr/p1/2022/2022-06-25/html/reg2-eng.html   CTA members operating in the dangerous goods space are strongly encouraged to review the proposal.

Information appearing in Canada Gazette I is in the proposal stage.   Transport Canada takes feedback received during the Gazette I process to further refine their proposals before the final rules are published in Canada Gazette II.  Requirements to comply do not come into effect until the date listed when Canada Gazette II is published.

CTA members wishing to have their feedback included in CTA’s submission to Transport Canada on the proposal can forward their comments to tdgfeedback@cantruck.ca before August 12, 2022.

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