Editorial: On the Move Road Map Gets it Right for Trucking Thursday April 02, 2015 | Editorials Road capacity and conditions are crucial not only to the trucking industry but to the rest of us who need the goods it delivers
ATA Keeps Pressure on FMCSA to Change CSA Scoring System Wednesday April 01, 2015 | Operations & Safety ATA continues to urge FMCSA to make “common sense changes” to its CSA scoring system by removing crashes not caused by trucking companies or their drivers.
APTA: NB Fuel Tax Hike Puts Atlantic Truckers at Disadvantage Wednesday April 01, 2015 | Environment & Fuel The Atlantic Provinces Trucking Association says it is shocked with the New Brunswick government’s decision to raise taxes on diesel fuel
Joint ATA-CTA Survey To Help Reduce Cost of IFTA Decal Program Monday March 30, 2015 | Admin & Tax, Operations & Safety CTA is working with ATA to raise awareness among state and provincial authorities regarding the cost for carriers to comply with the IFTA decal requirement.
CTA Welcomes Transport Minister’s Support For Key Safety Initiatives Thursday March 19, 2015 | News Releases, Operations & Safety CTA is hailing today’s declaration of support from federal Transport Minister Lisa Raitt for the introduction of electronic logging devices and roll stability
LTL Profit Revved for Revival Thursday March 19, 2015 | Business Conditions Strong industrial and retail economy, as well as tightness in capacity has the once-beleaguered LTL sector poised for a comeback
Drivers the Foundation of Fleets’ Safety Culture Wednesday March 18, 2015 | Labour/HR/Driver Shortage, Operations & Safety A healthy safety culture helps a trucking company recruit better, safer and more professional drivers, says Rob Penner of Bison Transport.
ATA Says Public CSA App ‘Irresponsible’ Wednesday March 18, 2015 | Operations & Safety ATA is objecting to the FMCSA's move to release a smartphone app that will allow the public instant access to online safety performance