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Minister Fraser Announces New Immigration Pathway; Includes Truck Drivers and Other In-Demand Jobs

Sean Fraser, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, announce today that Canada will launch a new economic pathway under the Economic Mobility Pathways Pilot (EMPP) to help employers hire skilled refugees and other displaced individuals.

The new pathway will give employers more opportunities to fill a wide range of in -demand jobs, including truck and delivery drivers.

The EMPP pairs skilled refugees and other qualified displaced people with Canadian employers who need to overcome labour shortages in key occupations. This allows Canada to welcome vulnerable people, while giving Canadian employers access to an untapped talent pool with the skills they need to help the economy grow.

“This is a great program which seeks to protect refugees in need of help, while connecting them with employers who have in-demand jobs available,” said Stephen Laskowski, President of the Canadian Trucking Alliance. “This program will keep Canada moving by addressing acute labour shortages in critical sectors, while safeguarding potential new workers to Canada who are most at risk.

“There’s an abundance of opportunity in the trucking industry and we look forward to working with Minister Fraser to ensure these people find stable and meaningful work in our sector.”

The new pathway, which will complement existing EMPP pathways, is expected to open this summer.

“Canada is a global leader in helping skilled refugees connect with employers struggling to find workers in critical areas, while giving newcomers the opportunity to restart their careers and their lives here in Canada. Our government will continue to develop and scale innovative immigration measures to help employers address their critical labour shortages and provide refugees with the opportunity to live in safety while rebuilding their lives,” said Minister Fraser.

The Canadian Trucking Alliance will be working with Minister Fraser’s office over the coming week to understand how CTA and our sector can assist in the implementation of the program and will provide details to members on how they can connect with potential workers.


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