A rule requiring Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs) on trucks whose drivers must comply with hours-of-service rules is coming soon to both Canada and the U.S.
An ELD is defined as recording-only technology, used to track the time a commercial vehicle is operating. An ELD is integrally connected to the vehicle’s engine, uses location information, and is tamper-resistant. An ELD automatically tracks vehicle movement, but allows for annotations by both the driver and the motor carrier’s agent to explain or correct records. An ELD does not necessarily have to be a physical device — it is a technology platform, and may be portable or implemented within a device not permanently installed on a vehicle.
The U.S. is expected to put an ELD mandate eat some point in 2016, while in Canada the Canadian Trucking Alliance a universal ELD mandate in this country and has been working with the Canadian government and the provinces to focus efforts leading to a similar proposal in Canada while meanwhile addressing all the technical issues with manufacturers and legislative officials with such a proposal.
Click here for a CTA Briefing Note summarizing the ELD mandate issue and explaning the benefits of ELD technology: EOBR-ELD-Cost-Benefit-Final_public