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CTA, Suppliers Push Forward with ELD Tech Standard – Home Stretch in Sight

In completing the final review of the electronic logging device (ELD) technical standard last month, the Canadian Trucking Alliance believes there are no roadblocks to finalizing the standard in the immediate term, says Geoff Wood, CTA’s Senior VP, Policy.

As with anything to do with ELDs, the devil is in the details, explains Wood. Since Transport Canada first proposed in December 2017 that the Canadian industry move forward with ELDs, there has been steady progress to align the Canadian technical standard for ELDs with specifications issued by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) in the U.S.

Over the past several months, CTA, working with technology firms within the Alliance membership that offer ELD products to the Canadian market, have met regularly to work with governments in expediting the completion of the technical standard, which will be an integral part of Transport Canada’s final rule expected to be published in the Canada Gazette II by this summer.

CTA’s involvement has allowed government policy makers the opportunity to meet tight timelines desired by the trucking industry and requested by the Council of Ministers Responsible for Transportation and Highway Safety. Specifically, the most recent work deals with third-party certification of ELD devices, which is essential for ensuring carriers across Canada are complying on an equal level playing field.

Third-party certification means that an independent organization meeting the requirements set out by the government regulatory body, not the product/software manufacturer, has reviewed the compliance characteristics of a product and has independently determined it complies with specific standards for safety, quality or performance. This review typically includes a comprehensive cross-referencing of the product(s) with set specifications as well as hands-on testing and live verification by the third-party organization. Some form of third-party certification requirements for electronic products or safety devices is relatively common in North America.

“We have strong supplier support and an open ear from government officials to regulate ELD technology from a both a performance and compliance standpoint for the first time,” said Wood. “It was necessary for CTA to coordinate efforts with both the suppliers and government and we are pleased with the outcome of this process.

“CTA will continue the collaborative approach with ELD suppliers and governments to ensure ELD standards and regulations keep pace with the evolving nature of technology and that we have an hours of service regime that is based on a level-playing field and certified equipment,” added Wood.


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