CTA’s view that upcoming Canadian GHG truck rules must reflect the reality of specific Canadian operating conditions and equipment is taking hold in Ottawa.
CTA has long supported the reduction of carbon emissions from trucking equipment through reasonable and efficient policies and programs.
CTA’s core message to Ottawa has been trucking equipment mandated under the upcoming 2018 GHG reduction regulation must actually perform under Canadian conditions and weight regimes and protect the fuel efficiency and safety benefits of Canadian equipment and configurations.
CTA has always said that Canadian operating conditions and weight regimes, which differ considerably from those in the US, need to be reflected in the final Canadian GHG rule in order to provide credit to the efficient configurations operated by Canadian fleets.
This messaging has gained traction in Ottawa.
In a recent letter to CTA, federal Transport Minister Marc Garneau stated:
“…I want to take this opportunity to underscore the Government’s commitment to developing regulations that will effectively reduce vehicle fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions while taking into consideration Canadian-specific characteristics and without compromising the safety of drivers, your industry’s most important assets…While the Government is working to align as closely as possible to the U.S proposed regulations, we recognize that Canadian jurisdictions generally allow higher weights than our US counterparts. Environment and Climate Change Canada is working with the US EPA and manufacturers to ensure that these higher payloads are reflected in the Canadian Phase 2 regulations.”
Minister Garneau’s letter also highlighted the ongoing work between CTA and the federal government since the release of the Alliance’s White paper on 6X2 axles, single tire technology and aerodynamic technologies such as boat-tails.
Transport Canada will also be working with CTA regarding safety defect investigations related to GHG mandated equipment.
“Our sector is working hard toward reducing its carbon footprint, which makes environmental and business sense. CTA believes the collaborative approach between Ottawa and its provincial partners may help avoid repeating some of the problems our sector has faced when adopting and complying with previous transportation air quality rules during the 2000-2010 period,” said CTA Senior VP Stephen Laskowski.