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COVID-19 Daily Bulletin: April 21

CTA: Update on the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS)

Today in his daily briefing, the Prime Minister announced additional details on the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS). The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has launched an online calculator to help businesses determine what amount they may be able to claim through the wage subsidy program.

When you apply for the CEWS you will be asked to enter amounts such as the number of eligible employees and gross payroll. This tool will help you get ready for this and will allow you to preview your subsidy claim now, based on information you enter.

In addition, it was also stated that companies will be able to apply for the CEWS as of Monday, April 27. For more information, including information on the calculator, see here –https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/subsidy/emergency-wage-subsidy/cews-calculate-subsidy-amount.html


UPDATE:  CTA National Snapshot of Driver and Truck Friendly Restaurant and Accommodations Locations – V 2.0

The document has been updated and provides a snapshot by province of restaurant facilities and accommodations compiled by the CTA membership to date that are open to support truck drivers during the COVID-19Pandemic.

For the latest version, please click here: 04.20.20-CTA-Provincial List of Trucking Facilities2_public


BC Meals for Truckers Program

The BC Trucking Association is officially coordinating the Meals for Truckers program and launched a website – https://mealsfortruckers.ca – to support our professional drivers on the road who are having difficulty accessing food due the closure of restaurants and services caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The website provides details of service locations to drivers as well as invites food truck vendors to offer their services. Sponsors can also support to provide meals for a day.

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YMCA-YWCA of Guelph Providing Truck Driver’s a Safe Stop

Starting today, the Guelph Y will become a safe space to stop and practice hygiene for long-haul truck drivers. Working in collaboration with Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health, the Guelph Y is opening its doors daily from 7:00 – 10:00 am to provide these front-line service providers a safe space to use the bathroom and shower.

See here for details: April 20 Guelph Y Long Haul Drivers_public


Get Grub for Truck Drivers

Canxxus has launched a truck driver ‘Get Grub’ program – a free online respire for truck drivers looking for a nearby spot to eat. A ‘meal locator’ will help connect truck drivers to a food service facility on the road. Click. here foe details:


Trucks Permitted to Bypass Manitoba checkpoints

Trade media is confirming what CTA and the provincial associations previously reported that truck drivers, as essential workers, are being waved through COVID-19 security check points. Click here to read more,


MTA Updates:

The Manitoba Trucking Association has been advised that new processes are being put in place that will simplify the process of obtaining driver’s abstracts. MTA says this may take a few days.  It asks members continue to be patient as these new processes are unrolled properly, not just quickly. More from MTA:

  •  MPNP: we continue to address the concern that some provincial nominee driver’s licenses are expiring during this pandemic, when they cannot complete the proper training and testing.
  • driver training and testing questions: we know that carriers and driver training schools are eager to bring new drivers into our industry; however, there remain a lot of questions surrounding what that safely looks like.  We continue to work with MPI on this item to ensure everyone is operating in a safe environment that follows guidelines provided by the Government of Manitoba.

These are some of the issues we are addressing.  If members are encountering other problems, please be in touch with us.

Of course, as we have information and updates on these items, we will share them with our members as soon as possible.  In an effort to ensure your inboxes aren’t overwhelmed, we do plan to reduce our email communications from daily updates to as-needed.  Rest assured that we will always share the information you need to know as soon as we can.

2 – MPI has updated their website with procedures for Class 1 drivers, regardless of whether they travel outside of Manitoba for work or not.   These processes (i.e. dedicated phone in line for Class 1 drivers, curbside pickup for IRP docs, etc) are available to all Class 1 drivers.


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