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CTA, Border Vaccine Mandate take Media Centre Stage

Canadian Trucking Alliance staff fielded well over 100 media inquiries and interviews over the last week in anticipation of the cross-border mandate coming into effect Jan. 15.

CTA was asked by dozens of national and local media outlets for clarity on the government’s procedure for rolling out the mandate as well as commentary on the impact the mandatory policy would have on cross border trucking, the driver shortage, the fragile North American supply chain and the economy.

Below is a sample of a few major articles and broadcasts:

Lack of clarity on vaccine rules at U.S. border leaves trucking industry idling

Global News

Canadian truckers already en route should get reprieve amid vaccine mandate confusion: industry leader

CTV News

Ottawa reverses course on mandatory vaccines for Canadian truckers crossing U.S. border

National Post 

Truckers need smoother entry and exit requirements on the vaccine: Canadian Trucking Alliance

BNN Bloomberg

 Federal government now says all truckers crossing border must be fully vaccinated

CBC News

 Feds make last-minute reversal on vaccine mandate for truckers

Canadian Press

 Canada-U.S. supply chain still could face disruptions due to vaccine mandates


 Unvaccinated Canadian truckers will have to quarantine under new mandate, feds say

CTV News

 Truckers say COVID-19 vaccine requirement for crossing Canadian border will strain already struggling supply chains

Globe & Mail

Ottawa to go ahead with trucker vaccine mandate after stating it would scrap it


Vaccine mandate for truckers could lead to mass layoffs and supply chain issues

CBC News

Unvaccinated truckers being stopped at the border will only make the problem worse, the industry says

Montreal Gazette

 No date yet for mandatory vaccination of interprovincial truckers


Fragile supply chain faces risk without delay to January cross-border vaccine mandate, warns trucking industry

Hill Times

Unvaccinated Canadian truckers will have to quarantine under new mandate, feds say

iHeart Radio

Ottawa to go ahead with trucker vaccine mandate after stating it would scrap it

The Spectator

The Arlene Bynon Show

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