Carriers need to identify their culture, values, history, reputation, development opportunities, community involvement, and the type of work prospective employees would experience if they are going to attract new workers in the middle of a labour shortage, says Angela Splinter, CEO of Trucking HR Canada during a workshop in Calgary, Alta., at the Alberta Motor Transport Association.
“Recruitment is partially becoming a sales job. You’re looking at getting partners…your role in HR is changing,” she said.
As reported by Truck West:
Splinter stressed the importance of company branding, looking at it from a sales perspective to pinpoint what it is that makes your business a place people would want to work.
“That is how you’re going to start your recruitment process,” she said. “We have to do a better job of promoting the industry as a sector of choice.”
Age, cultural backgrounds, skills, number of women and men, future needs in specific roles, were all key elements of a business’ workforce that should be identified.
Garnering quality applicants starts with an effective job posting. Posting that properly define the skills required for a specific job, such as truck driver, will bring additional benefits beyond the quality of applicants.
“We hear a lot about the occupation of truck driver not being defined as a (skilled trade),” said Splinter. “It starts with how the job is defined.”
Splinter said the biggest mistake companies make when posting truck driver positions is indicating there is “no experience or education required.”
“When you say that, you’re not going to get a quality driver,” she said, adding it also suggests it is not a skilled trade.
If carriers are looking to diversify their workforce, include in the posting any interesting aspects of the position, work environment, polices that support a respectful workplace, photos of your diverse staff, and programs like English language training and mentoring opportunities.
Tapping into some of the lesser-utilized worker pools can help alleviate some hiring hardships.
Craig Faucette, director of policy and programs for Trucking HR Canada, said when it comes to the desire to diversify your workforce, planning ahead is important.
Defining why diversity is important to your organization and developing a statement outlining your position as it pertains to diversity is a good starting point.
Once a framework has been established, it must be communicated to your workforce and measured based on your company values and diversity goals.
A recent study conducted by Trucking HR Canada in conjunction with Abacus Data confirmed the trucking industry is not on young people’s radar when considering a career.
In 2011, less than 15% of truck drivers were under the age of 35. But by implementing better recruitment practices, companies can turn things around.
“Look at your approaches and strategies and making sure they are mapping with that of young people,” said Splinter, pointing out that work-life balance is the most important aspect of what millennial workers look for in a career.
Full article here.