Message from CTA:
Are you proud of the extraordinary job truck drivers are doing during this crisis? Are you a member of the public who is grateful that your store shelves are being restocked because truck drivers continue to roll? Don’t be shy – tell them so on your social media platforms. Be sure to use the hashtags #thankatrucker #thankadriver Consider using some of the language below:
Thank you to all the women and men who drive truck and have stepped up to help us get through this crisis, protect Canadians and keep our economy moving.
Throughout history our nation’s truck drivers have been depended on to support the country in our time of need. Once again, they have answered the call.
Like the saying goes, “if you got it, a truck brought it”. Remember those words as you wait for store shelves to be restocked with food, emergency relief supplies as well as vital medical and sanitation products we need to combat the spread of this virus.
As a society we enjoy an unparalleled level of security and certainty because of the sophistication and reliability of our modern supply chain. In large part, it is the professional driver that ultimately makes it happen.
Truck driving is an essential service. Please treat these front-line workers with the upmost respect and dignity they deserve and thank a trucker for the amazing job they are doing during this critical time.
Feel free to download and use the following images on social media:
The last few days have been pretty busy in our world ensuring our part of the masks for #Alberta initiative is seamless. #wereinthistogether @GoAHealth #teamgreen #BuiltOnService #ForOurCustomers #ForEachOther #ForOurCommunities #yeg @FlyEIA @AMTA_ca @jkenney @CanTruck #COVID19AB pic.twitter.com/6HMSBDaviV
— RosenauTransport (@Rosenautrans) May 31, 2020
As a society we enjoy an unparalleled level of security and certainty because of the reliability of our modern supply chain. In large part, it is the professional driver that ultimately makes it happen. Like the saying goes, "If you got it, a truck brought it" #thankatrucker pic.twitter.com/2XBKUYxLuM
— Mayflower Canada (@MayflowerCanada) June 3, 2020
Thank you to all professional truck drivers!#wearetrucking #thankatrucker https://t.co/jG4npDFFun
— Caron Transport (@CaronTransport) June 3, 2020
Lethbridge->Regina->Lethbridge in one day?. I am SO THANKFUL for truckers who do this every day. #ThankATrucker pic.twitter.com/xf8yTrMIjS
— Maria Penner (@MariaPenner5) June 2, 2020
Thanks @WinnipegNews for the #thankatrucker supplement in Saturday's Free Press, and thanks to our industry's drivers, shop techs, office staff, and associated trades for your dedication and hard work during #Covid19.https://t.co/do31DzFgDM?
— MB Trucking (@TruckingMB) June 2, 2020
Faces of the front-line. With lessening access to basic needs, professional #TruckDrivers continue to provide dedicated service and are committed to keeping products and our economy moving during this uncertain time. #ThankaTruckDriver #CanTruckhttps://t.co/tX9Snle3jy pic.twitter.com/JDJyu4jxCA
— Q-Line Trucking (@QLineTrucking) March 31, 2020
Huge thanks to the 90+ volunteers who will be helping us out today. This is one small thing that we hope makes a difference to the men and women on the frontlines, on our highways. #PPE4Truckers @UFAcooperative @WiSC_Inc @calgarystampede @GearCentre @BMO pic.twitter.com/THc7dZDTZy
— amta_ca (@AMTA_ca) June 3, 2020
The past several weeks have been both the quickest and longest days we've ever experienced.
Through it all, it's proven that we're stronger together. Let's keep it up and get this economy rolling as we continue to flatten the curve.#ThankATrucker #bctrucking pic.twitter.com/5l5C8pBM81
— Apps Cargo Terminals (@Apps_Cargo) June 2, 2020
As the #COVID19 crisis has made clear: the health of our nation, and the viability of our entire economy, depends on the trucking industry and the millions of men and women who drive it.
Great video from @UTMCorporate capturing this sentiment. #ThankATrucker pic.twitter.com/uNBprQX0AE
— American Trucking (@TRUCKINGdotORG) June 1, 2020
We agree @LadiesInTrucking! A big THANK YOU to all our men and women delivering life necessities. Make sure to #ThankATrucker! #PeterbiltPride pic.twitter.com/WMBg7mXH8y
— Peterbilt Motors Co. (@PeterbiltMotors) June 2, 2020
As some people begin to spend more time on the road, don’t forget about the truckers who never stopped. #ThankATrucker pic.twitter.com/KB3m3H2eBu
— Utility Trailer (@UTMCorporate) June 2, 2020
Truck Drivers: #ThankYou for all your hard work and dedication on the roads!
Our top priority will always be protecting the health and safety of our fantastic team!
Read more on how you can stay healthy on the roads here: https://t.co/im5p8lEPQD #ThankATrucker #ThankADriver pic.twitter.com/P5xzH84oGT
— Sylvite Transportation (@SylviteTrucking) June 1, 2020
Update for commercial drivers: With Alberta's relaunch in stage 1, many restaurants/truck stops are once again offering dine-in services. The AMTA continues to update our rest area database to help you on your way: https://t.co/dUK5jIja3g #keepitmoving #thankatrucker
— amta_ca (@AMTA_ca) June 2, 2020
“Working hard for something we don’t care about is called stressed; working hard for something we love is called passion.”#plant2020 #BulkFleet #LiquidBulk #Tanker #ThankATrucker #ThankAFarmer#MondayMotivation & ? Kensilver C. pic.twitter.com/FSGKbCiSp0
— Q-Line Trucking (@QLineTrucking) June 1, 2020
Sean, thank you for keeping our freight moving! We appreciate everything you do #PolarisDrivers #ThankATrucker #KeepTrucking #CrossBorderPros pic.twitter.com/4l1hVw1756
— Polaris Transport (@PolarisTrans) June 4, 2020
Thank you @CindyClark_ and @WiSC_inc for all your help with #PPE4Truckers! #thankatrucker #strongertogether pic.twitter.com/wgSzW7D3x5
— amta_ca (@AMTA_ca) June 3, 2020